ID or terms query

calo.1339 (1 sequences)

OC Root 2nd 3rd 4th PC Gene/Definition
OC.183552 Bacteria.314908 Cyanobacteria.17147 Calothrix.6435 calo.1339 calo:Cal7507_1356 amino acid/polyamine/organocation transporter, APC superfamily

( plain text of OC.183552 )

Refinement of cluster

OC depth

Organism selection

Distribution of taxonomic categories

sequence organism Halobacteroides

Neighbor clusters

OC.183472 (16) OC.183473-183504 OC.183505-183542 OC.183543 (22) OC.183544-183548 OC.183549 (7) OC.183550 (29) OC.183551 (3) OC.183552 (26) OC.183553 (6) OC.183554-183578 OC.183579 (3) OC.183580 (1) OC.183581 (176) OC.183582 (102) OC.183583 (452) OC.183584 (3) OC.183585 (115) OC.183586 (26) OC.183587 (42) OC.183291...183471 OC.183588...183840