ID or terms query

Mycobacterium_avium.4515 (3 sequences)

OC Root 2nd 3rd 4th 5th PC Gene/Definition
OC.568612 Bacteria.1034 Actinobacteria.97851 Mycobacterium.7171 Mycobacterium_avium.4515 mav.1874 mav:MAV_1979 ThiJ/PfpI family protein
OC.568612 Bacteria.1034 Actinobacteria.97851 Mycobacterium.7171 Mycobacterium_avium.4515 mavd.1673 mavd:NF84_08915 -
OC.568612 Bacteria.1034 Actinobacteria.97851 Mycobacterium.7171 Mycobacterium_avium.4515 mavr.1671 mavr:LA63_09065 -

( plain text of OC.568612 )

Refinement of cluster

OC depth

Organism selection

Distribution of taxonomic categories

sequence organism Halobacteroides

Neighbor clusters

OC.568611 (1) OC.568612 (15) OC.568613 (21) OC.568614 (1) OC.568615 (25) OC.568616 (1) OC.568617 (1) OC.568618 (116) OC.568619 (1) OC.568620-568627 OC.568628 (54) OC.568629 (652) OC.568630 (20) OC.568631 (2) OC.568530-568610 OC.568632-568658