ID or terms query

Eukaryotes.93604 (7 sequences)

OC Root 2nd 3rd 4th PC Gene/Definition
OC.223601 Eukaryotes.93604 Protists.16472 Alveolates.21983 smin.11406 smin:v1.2.031873.t1 symbB.v1.2.031873.t1; -
OC.223601 Eukaryotes.93604 Protists.16472 Alveolates.21983 smin.11406 smin:v1.2.031873.t2 symbB.v1.2.031873.t2; -
OC.223601 Eukaryotes.93604 Protists.16472 Alveolates.21983 smin.11406 smin:v1.2.031874.t1 symbB.v1.2.031874.t1; -
OC.223601 Eukaryotes.93604 Protists.16472 Alveolates.21983 smin.11407 smin:v1.2.032311.t1 symbB.v1.2.032311.t1; -
OC.223601 Eukaryotes.93604 Protists.17835 Alveolates.23411 smin.7393 smin:v1.2.001662.t1 symbB.v1.2.001662.t1; -; K12581 CCR4-NOT transcription complex subunit 7/8
OC.223601 Eukaryotes.93604 Protists.17835 Alveolates.23411 smin.7393 smin:v1.2.012095.t1 symbB.v1.2.012095.t1; -
OC.223601 Eukaryotes.93604 Protists.17835 Alveolates.23411 smin.7393 smin:v1.2.023122.t1 symbB.v1.2.023122.t1; -; K12581 CCR4-NOT transcription complex subunit 7/8

( plain text of OC.223601 )

Refinement of cluster

OC depth

KOs in cluster

    K12581 (2) CCR4-NOT transcription complex subunit 7...

> Pathway search
> BRITE search

Organism selection

Distribution of taxonomic categories

sequence organism Dinoflagellates KO