ID or terms query

Firmicutes.146216 (3 sequences)

OC Root 2nd 3rd 4th 5th PC Gene/Definition
OC.379263 Bacteria.803035 Firmicutes.146216 Firmicutes___Bacilli.68436 Brevibacillus.5522 bbe.4170 bbe:BBR47_42110 conserved hypothetical protein
OC.379263 Bacteria.803035 Firmicutes.146216 Firmicutes___Bacilli.68436 Tumebacillus.1035 tum.3104 tum:CBW65_17850 hypothetical protein
OC.379263 Bacteria.803035 Firmicutes.146216 Firmicutes___Bacilli.68436 Tumebacillus.1035 tab.2103 tab:CIG75_11215 hypothetical protein

( plain text of OC.379263 )

Refinement of cluster

OC depth

Organism selection

Distribution of taxonomic categories

Neighbor clusters

OC.379257 (1) OC.379258 (4) OC.379259 (16) OC.379260 (1) OC.379261 (1) OC.379262 (1) OC.379263 (3) OC.379242-379256 OC.379264-379278