ID or terms query

OC.1508732 (7 sequences)

OC Root 2nd 3rd PC Gene/Definition
OC.1508732 Bacteria.587135 Verrucomicrobia.1562 ote.3538 ote:Oter_3667 hypothetical protein
OC.1508732 Bacteria.587135 Verrucomicrobia.1562 obg.577 obg:Verru16b_00555 hypothetical protein
OC.1508732 Bacteria.587135 Verrucomicrobia.1562 obt.614 obt:OPIT5_21255 hypothetical protein
OC.1508732 Bacteria.587135 Verrucomicrobia.1562 obt.614 obt:OPIT5_26640 hypothetical protein
OC.1508732 Bacteria.587135 Verrucomicrobia.1561 caa.2157 caa:Caka_2282 hypothetical protein
OC.1508732 Bacteria.587135 Verrucomicrobia.1563 min.1915 min:Minf_2006 Conserved hypothetical protein
OC.1508732 Bacteria.587135 Verrucomicrobia.1562 vbh.2200 vbh:CMV30_11375 hypothetical protein

( plain text of OC.1508732 ) ( previous ver. )

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