ID or terms query

tlt.426 (1 sequences)

OC Root 2nd 3rd 4th PC Gene/Definition
OC.508254 Archaea.5722 Euryarchaeota.3752 Thermococcus.3904 tlt.426 tlt:OCC_02697 ATPase

( plain text of OC.508254 )

Refinement of cluster

OC depth

Organism selection

Distribution of taxonomic categories

sequence organism Halobacteroides

Neighbor clusters

OC.508233 (1) OC.508234 (2) OC.508235-508249 OC.508250 (1) OC.508251 (1) OC.508252 (4) OC.508253 (49) OC.508254 (40) OC.508255 (4) OC.508256 (4) OC.508159-508232