
KNApSAcK Entry

Organism name Schinus molle
Genus Schinus
Family Anacardiaceae
Kingdom Plantae

NCBI taxonomy


Linked NCBI taxonomy name Schinus molle
Linked NCBI taxonomy ID 43851
Linked level species


Family in NCBI taxonomy Anacardiaceae
ID 4011

Kingdom (Superkingdom)

Kingdom (Superkingdom) in NCBI taxonomy Viridiplantae
ID 33090

Plant class

Plant class rosids
ID 71275

Natural Activity

List (44)

Species Activity
Schinus molle L. Acaricide
Schinus molle L. Acarifuge
Schinus molle L. Allergenic
Schinus molle L. Analgesic
Schinus molle L. Anesthetic
Schinus molle L. Antiedemic
Schinus molle L. Antiinflammatory
Schinus molle L. Antiinflammatory
Schinus molle L. Antiviral
Schinus molle L. Antiviral
Schinus molle L. Astringent
Schinus molle L. Astringent
Schinus molle L. Bactericide
Schinus molle L. Bitter
Schinus molle L. Bitter
Schinus molle L. Candidicide
Schinus molle L. Cicatrizant
Schinus molle L. Collyrium
Schinus molle L. Collyrium
Schinus molle L. Cytotoxic
Schinus molle L. Depurative
Schinus molle L. Diuretic
Schinus molle L. Diuretic
Schinus molle L. Emmenagogue
Schinus molle L. Emmenagogue
Schinus molle L. Expectorant
Schinus molle L. Expectorant
Schinus molle L. Fungicide
Schinus molle L. Fungicide
Schinus molle L. Hemostat
Schinus molle L. Hypotensive
Schinus molle L. Laxative
Schinus molle L. Orexigenic
Schinus molle L. Pain
Schinus molle L. Piscicide
Schinus molle L. Piscicide
Schinus molle L. Poison
Schinus molle L. Purgative
Schinus molle L. Stomachic
Schinus molle L. Stomachic
Schinus molle L. Tonic
Schinus molle L. Tonic
Schinus molle L. Vulnerary
Schinus molle L. Vulnerary

Metabolite list (2)

KNApSAcK ID name ChEMBL link CTD link # of proteins in
ChEMBL interaction
/ related OMIM
/ related KEGG DISEASE
# of genes in
CTD interaction
/ related diseases
C00021205 External link 512 beta-Spathulene
No. 3181
C00010893 External link 512 cis-p-Menthan-1,8-diol
4 / 1 / 4 No. 5603

Human Protein / Gene in interactions

4 ChEMBL Protein in interactions

accession description class description KNApSAcK metabolite in interactions # of diseases
P27695 DNA-(apurinic or apyrimidinic site) lyase Enzyme C00010893 0 / 0
Q9UBT6 DNA polymerase kappa Enzyme C00010893 0 / 0
Q13951 Core-binding factor subunit beta Unclassified protein C00010893 0 / 1
Q01196 Runt-related transcription factor 1 Unclassified protein C00010893 1 / 4

Related Diseases

Diseases related to proteins in ChEMBL interactions

OMIM (1)

OMIM preferred title UniProt
#601399 Platelet disorder, familial, with associated myeloid malignancy Q01196


KEGG name UniProt
H00001 Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) (precursor B lymphoblastic leukemia) Q01196 (related)
Q01196 (marker)
H00003 Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) Q01196 (related)
Q01196 (marker)
Q13951 (marker)
H00004 Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) Q01196 (related)
H00978 Thrombocytopenia (THC) Q01196 (related)