KEGG Orthology (KO) [BR:ko00001 ]
09120 Genetic Information Processing
09126 Chromosome
03083 Polycomb repressive complex
K04498 EP300, CREBBP, KAT3; E1A/CREB-binding protein
09125 Information processing in viruses
03250 Viral life cycle - HIV-1
K04498 EP300, CREBBP, KAT3; E1A/CREB-binding protein
09130 Environmental Information Processing
09132 Signal transduction
04310 Wnt signaling pathway
K04498 EP300, CREBBP, KAT3; E1A/CREB-binding protein
04330 Notch signaling pathway
K04498 EP300, CREBBP, KAT3; E1A/CREB-binding protein
04350 TGF-beta signaling pathway
K04498 EP300, CREBBP, KAT3; E1A/CREB-binding protein
04630 JAK-STAT signaling pathway
K04498 EP300, CREBBP, KAT3; E1A/CREB-binding protein
04066 HIF-1 signaling pathway
K04498 EP300, CREBBP, KAT3; E1A/CREB-binding protein
04068 FoxO signaling pathway
K04498 EP300, CREBBP, KAT3; E1A/CREB-binding protein
04024 cAMP signaling pathway
K04498 EP300, CREBBP, KAT3; E1A/CREB-binding protein
09140 Cellular Processes
09143 Cell growth and death
04110 Cell cycle
K04498 EP300, CREBBP, KAT3; E1A/CREB-binding protein
09144 Cellular community - eukaryotes
04520 Adherens junction
K04498 EP300, CREBBP, KAT3; E1A/CREB-binding protein
09150 Organismal Systems
09152 Endocrine system
04922 Glucagon signaling pathway
K04498 EP300, CREBBP, KAT3; E1A/CREB-binding protein
04935 Growth hormone synthesis, secretion and action
K04498 EP300, CREBBP, KAT3; E1A/CREB-binding protein
04919 Thyroid hormone signaling pathway
K04498 EP300, CREBBP, KAT3; E1A/CREB-binding protein
04916 Melanogenesis
K04498 EP300, CREBBP, KAT3; E1A/CREB-binding protein
09156 Nervous system
04720 Long-term potentiation
K04498 EP300, CREBBP, KAT3; E1A/CREB-binding protein
09160 Human Diseases
09161 Cancer: overview
05200 Pathways in cancer
K04498 EP300, CREBBP, KAT3; E1A/CREB-binding protein
05206 MicroRNAs in cancer
K04498 EP300, CREBBP, KAT3; E1A/CREB-binding protein
05203 Viral carcinogenesis
K04498 EP300, CREBBP, KAT3; E1A/CREB-binding protein
09162 Cancer: specific types
05211 Renal cell carcinoma
K04498 EP300, CREBBP, KAT3; E1A/CREB-binding protein
05215 Prostate cancer
K04498 EP300, CREBBP, KAT3; E1A/CREB-binding protein
09172 Infectious disease: viral
05166 Human T-cell leukemia virus 1 infection
K04498 EP300, CREBBP, KAT3; E1A/CREB-binding protein
05161 Hepatitis B
K04498 EP300, CREBBP, KAT3; E1A/CREB-binding protein
05164 Influenza A
K04498 EP300, CREBBP, KAT3; E1A/CREB-binding protein
05167 Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus infection
K04498 EP300, CREBBP, KAT3; E1A/CREB-binding protein
05165 Human papillomavirus infection
K04498 EP300, CREBBP, KAT3; E1A/CREB-binding protein
09171 Infectious disease: bacterial
05152 Tuberculosis
K04498 EP300, CREBBP, KAT3; E1A/CREB-binding protein
09164 Neurodegenerative disease
05016 Huntington disease
K04498 EP300, CREBBP, KAT3; E1A/CREB-binding protein
09180 Brite Hierarchies
09182 Protein families: genetic information processing
03000 Transcription factors
K04498 EP300, CREBBP, KAT3; E1A/CREB-binding protein
03036 Chromosome and associated proteins
K04498 EP300, CREBBP, KAT3; E1A/CREB-binding protein
03029 Mitochondrial biogenesis
K04498 EP300, CREBBP, KAT3; E1A/CREB-binding protein
Enzymes [BR:ko01000 ]
2. Transferases
2.3 Acyltransferases
2.3.1 Transferring groups other than aminoacyl groups histone acetyltransferase
K04498 EP300, CREBBP, KAT3; E1A/CREB-binding protein
Transcription factors [BR:ko03000 ]
Eukaryotic type
Other transcription factors
Pocket domain CBP
K04498 EP300, CREBBP, KAT3; E1A/CREB-binding protein
Chromosome and associated proteins [BR:ko03036 ]
Eukaryotic type
Histone modification proteins
HATs (histone acetyltransferases)
K04498 EP300, CREBBP, KAT3; E1A/CREB-binding protein
Mitochondrial biogenesis [BR:ko03029 ]
Mitochondrial quality control factors
Regulator of mitochondrial biogenesis
K04498 EP300, CREBBP, KAT3; E1A/CREB-binding protein
BRITE hierarchy