nt06512 Chromosome cohesion and segregation nt06515 Regulation of kinetochore-microtubule interactions nt06523 Epigenetic regulation by Polycomb complexes nt06539 Cytoskeleton in muscle cells nt06541 Cytoskeleton in neurons
Bond J, Roberts E, Springell K, Lizarraga SB, Scott S, Higgins J, Hampshire DJ, Morrison EE, Leal GF, Silva EO, Costa SM, Baralle D, Raponi M, Karbani G, Rashid Y, Jafri H, Bennett C, Corry P, Walsh CA, Woods CG
A centrosomal mechanism involving CDK5RAP2 and CENPJ controls brain size.
Guernsey DL, Jiang H, Hussin J, Arnold M, Bouyakdan K, Perry S, Babineau-Sturk T, Beis J, Dumas N, Evans SC, Ferguson M, Matsuoka M, Macgillivray C, Nightingale M, Patry L, Rideout AL, Thomas A, Orr A, Hoffmann I, Michaud JL, Awadalla P, Meek DC, Ludman M, Samuels ME
Mutations in centrosomal protein CEP152 in primary microcephaly families linked to MCPH4.
Yang YJ, Baltus AE, Mathew RS, Murphy EA, Evrony GD, Gonzalez DM, Wang EP, Marshall-Walker CA, Barry BJ, Murn J, Tatarakis A, Mahajan MA, Samuels HH, Shi Y, Golden JA, Mahajnah M, Shenhav R, Walsh CA
Microcephaly gene links trithorax and REST/NRSF to control neural stem cell proliferation and differentiation.
Yamamoto S, Jaiswal M, Charng WL, Gambin T, Karaca E, Mirzaa G, Wiszniewski W, Sandoval H, Haelterman NA, Xiong B, Zhang K, Bayat V, David G, Li T, Chen K, Gala U, Harel T, Pehlivan D, Penney S, Vissers LE, de Ligt J, Jhangiani SN, Xie Y, Tsang SH, Parman Y, Sivaci M, Battaloglu E, Muzny D, Wan YW, Liu Z, Lin-Moore AT, Clark RD, Curry CJ, Link N, Schulze KL, Boerwinkle E, Dobyns WB, Allikmets R, Gibbs RA, Chen R, Lupski JR, Wangler MF, Bellen HJ
A drosophila genetic resource of mutants to study mechanisms underlying human genetic diseases.
Kadir R, Harel T, Markus B, Perez Y, Bakhrat A, Cohen I, Volodarsky M, Feintsein-Linial M, Chervinski E, Zlotogora J, Sivan S, Birnbaum RY, Abdu U, Shalev S, Birk OS
ALFY-Controlled DVL3 Autophagy Regulates Wnt Signaling, Determining Human Brain Size.
Moawia A, Shaheen R, Rasool S, Waseem SS, Ewida N, Budde B, Kawalia A, Motameny S, Khan K, Fatima A, Jameel M, Ullah F, Akram T, Ali Z, Abdullah U, Irshad S, Hohne W, Noegel AA, Al-Owain M, Hortnagel K, Stobe P, Baig SM, Nurnberg P, Alkuraya FS, Hahn A, Hussain MS
Mutations of KIF14 cause primary microcephaly by impairing cytokinesis.
Martin CA, Murray JE, Carroll P, Leitch A, Mackenzie KJ, Halachev M, Fetit AE, Keith C, Bicknell LS, Fluteau A, Gautier P, Hall EA, Joss S, Soares G, Silva J, Bober MB, Duker A, Wise CA, Quigley AJ, Phadke SR, Wood AJ, Vagnarelli P, Jackson AP
Mutations in genes encoding condensin complex proteins cause microcephaly through decatenation failure at mitosis.
Cristofoli F, Moss T, Moore HW, Devriendt K, Flanagan-Steet H, May M, Jones J, Roelens F, Fons C, Fernandez A, Martorell L, Selicorni A, Maitz S, Vitiello G, Van der Hoeven G, Skinner SA, Bollen M, Vermeesch JR, Steet R, Van Esch H
De Novo Variants in LMNB1 Cause Pronounced Syndromic Microcephaly and Disruption of Nuclear Envelope Integrity.
Parry DA, Martin CA, Greene P, Marsh JA, Blyth M, Cox H, Donnelly D, Greenhalgh L, Greville-Heygate S, Harrison V, Lachlan K, McKenna C, Quigley AJ, Rea G, Robertson L, Suri M, Jackson AP
Heterozygous lamin B1 and lamin B2 variants cause primary microcephaly and define a novel laminopathy.
Carvalhal S, Bader I, Rooimans MA, Oostra AB, Balk JA, Feichtinger RG, Beichler C, Speicher MR, van Hagen JM, Waisfisz Q, van Haelst M, Bruijn M, Tavares A, Mayr JA, Wolthuis RMF, Oliveira RA, de Lange J
Biallelic BUB1 mutations cause microcephaly, developmental delay, and variable effects on cohesion and chromosome segregation.