Cutis laxa is a heterogeneous group of connective tissue disorders with variable organ involvement. The most obvious symptom of cutis laxa is loose and sagging skin due to reduced elastic fibers in the dermis. The phenotype of autosomal recessive cutis laxa II includes abnormal growth, developmental delay, and associated skeletal abnormalities. Autosomal recessive cutis laxa III, also known as De Barsy syndrome, is characterized by an aged appearance with distinctive facial features, sparse hair, ophthalmologic abnormalities, and intrauterine growth retardation.
Congenital malformation
Human diseases in ICD-11 classification [BR:br08403]
14 Diseases of the skin
Skin disorders involving specific cutaneous structures
Disorders of the dermis and subcutis
Disorders of cutaneous connective tissue
EE41 Abnormalities of dermal elastin
H00557 Cutis laxa
Pathway-based classification of diseases [BR:br08402]
Cellular process
nt06539 Cytoskeleton in muscle cells
H00557 Cutis laxa
Callewaert B, Renard M, Hucthagowder V, Albrecht B, Hausser I, Blair E, Dias C, Albino A, Wachi H, Sato F, Mecham RP, Loeys B, Coucke PJ, De Paepe A, Urban Z
New insights into the pathogenesis of autosomal-dominant cutis laxa with report of five ELN mutations.
Fischer-Zirnsak B, Escande-Beillard N, Ganesh J, Tan YX, Al Bughaili M, Lin AE, Sahai I, Bahena P, Reichert SL, Loh A, Wright GD, Liu J, Rahikkala E, Pivnick EK, Choudhri AF, Kruger U, Zemojtel T, van Ravenswaaij-Arts C, Mostafavi R, Stolte-Dijkstra I, Symoens S, Pajunen L, Al-Gazali L, Meierhofer D, Robinson PN, Mundlos S, Villarroel CE, Byers P, Masri A, Robertson SP, Schwarze U, Callewaert B, Reversade B, Kornak U
Recurrent De Novo Mutations Affecting Residue Arg138 of Pyrroline-5-Carboxylate Synthase Cause a Progeroid Form of Autosomal-Dominant Cutis Laxa.
Urban Z, Hucthagowder V, Schurmann N, Todorovic V, Zilberberg L, Choi J, Sens C, Brown CW, Clark RD, Holland KE, Marble M, Sakai LY, Dabovic B, Rifkin DB, Davis EC
Mutations in LTBP4 cause a syndrome of impaired pulmonary, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, musculoskeletal, and dermal development.
Kornak U, Reynders E, Dimopoulou A, van Reeuwijk J, Fischer B, Rajab A, Budde B, Nurnberg P, Foulquier F, Lefeber D, Urban Z, Gruenewald S, Annaert W, Brunner HG, van Bokhoven H, Wevers R, Morava E, Matthijs G, Van Maldergem L, Mundlos S
Impaired glycosylation and cutis laxa caused by mutations in the vesicular H+-ATPase subunit ATP6V0A2.
Reversade B, Escande-Beillard N, Dimopoulou A, Fischer B, Chng SC, Li Y, Shboul M, Tham PY, Kayserili H, Al-Gazali L, Shahwan M, Brancati F, Lee H, O'Connor BD, Schmidt-von Kegler M, Merriman B, Nelson SF, Masri A, Alkazaleh F, Guerra D, Ferrari P, Nanda A, Rajab A, Markie D, Gray M, Nelson J, Grix A, Sommer A, Savarirayan R, Janecke AR, Steichen E, Sillence D, Hausser I, Budde B, Nurnberg G, Nurnberg P, Seemann P, Kunkel D, Zambruno G, Dallapiccola B, Schuelke M, Robertson S, Hamamy H, Wollnik B, Van Maldergem L, Mundlos S, Kornak U
Mutations in PYCR1 cause cutis laxa with progeroid features.
Pottie L, Adamo CS, Beyens A, Lutke S, Tapaneeyaphan P, De Clercq A, Salmon PL, De Rycke R, Gezdirici A, Gulec EY, Khan N, Urquhart JE, Newman WG, Metcalfe K, Efthymiou S, Maroofian R, Anwar N, Maqbool S, Rahman F, Altweijri I, Alsaleh M, Abdullah SM, Al-Owain M, Hashem M, Houlden H, Alkuraya FS, Sips P, Sengle G, Callewaert B
Bi-allelic premature truncating variants in LTBP1 cause cutis laxa syndrome.