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  Spliceosome - Homo sapiens (human)

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ACommon components B Common spliceosomal components C Cap binding complex D 4686 NCBP1; nuclear cap binding protein subunit 1 K12882 NCBP1; nuclear cap-binding protein subunit 1 D 22916 NCBP2; nuclear cap binding protein subunit 2 K12883 NCBP2; nuclear cap-binding protein subunit 2 D 392517 NCBP2L; nuclear cap binding protein subunit 2 like K12883 NCBP2; nuclear cap-binding protein subunit 2 C hnRNP proteins D 144983 HNRNPA1L2; heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 like 2 K12741 HNRNPA1_3; heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1/A3 D 220988 HNRNPA3; heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A3 K12741 HNRNPA1_3; heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1/A3 D 3178 HNRNPA1; heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 K12741 HNRNPA1_3; heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1/A3 D 642659 HNRNPA1L3; heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 like 3 K12741 HNRNPA1_3; heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1/A3 D 3183 HNRNPC; heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein C K12884 HNRNPC; heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein C1/C2 D 27316 RBMX; RNA binding motif protein X-linked K12885 RBMX; heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein G D 3190 HNRNPK; heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K K12886 HNRNPK; heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K D 4670 HNRNPM; heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein M K12887 HNRNPM; heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein M D 3192 HNRNPU; heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein U K12888 HNRNPU; heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein U D 5093 PCBP1; poly(rC) binding protein 1 K12889 PCBP1; poly(rC)-binding protein 1 C SR proteins D 6426 SRSF1; serine and arginine rich splicing factor 1 K12890 SRSF1; serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 1 D 10929 SRSF8; serine and arginine rich splicing factor 8 K12891 SRSF2_8; serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 2/8 D 6427 SRSF2; serine and arginine rich splicing factor 2 K12891 SRSF2_8; serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 2/8 D 6428 SRSF3; serine and arginine rich splicing factor 3 K12892 SRSF3; serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 3 D 6429 SRSF4; serine and arginine rich splicing factor 4 K12893 SRSF4_5_6; serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 4/5/6 D 6430 SRSF5; serine and arginine rich splicing factor 5 K12893 SRSF4_5_6; serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 4/5/6 D 6431 SRSF6; serine and arginine rich splicing factor 6 K12893 SRSF4_5_6; serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 4/5/6 D 6432 SRSF7; serine and arginine rich splicing factor 7 K12896 SRSF7; serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 7 D 8683 SRSF9; serine and arginine rich splicing factor 9 K21123 SRSF9; serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 9 D 10772 SRSF10; serine and arginine rich splicing factor 10 K12900 SRSF10; serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 10 D 29896 TRA2A; transformer 2 alpha homolog K12897 TRA2; transformer-2 protein D 6434 TRA2B; transformer 2 beta homolog K12897 TRA2; transformer-2 protein C General mRNP proteins D 9774 BCLAF1; BCL2 associated transcription factor 1 K13087 BCLAF1; bcl2 associated transcription factor 1 D 1994 ELAVL1; ELAV like RNA binding protein 1 K13088 ELAVL1; ELAV-like protein 1 D 3608 ILF2; interleukin enhancer binding factor 2 K13089 ILF2; interleukin enhancer-binding factor 2 D 3609 ILF3; interleukin enhancer binding factor 3 K13090 ILF3; interleukin enhancer-binding factor 3 D 55147 RBM23; RNA binding motif protein 23 K13091 RBM23_39; RNA-binding protein 23/39 D 9584 RBM39; RNA binding motif protein 39 K13091 RBM23_39; RNA-binding protein 23/39 D 4904 YBX1; Y-box binding protein 1 K09276 YBX1; Y-box-binding protein 1 D 124245 ZC3H18; zinc finger CCCH-type containing 18 K13092 ZC3H18; nuclear protein NHN1 # AComplex A B U1 snRNP components C Sm proteins D 6628 SNRPB; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptides B and B1 K11086 SNRPB; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein B and B' D 6632 SNRPD1; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D1 polypeptide K11087 SNRPD1; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D1 D 6633 SNRPD2; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D2 polypeptide K11096 SNRPD2; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D2 D 6634 SNRPD3; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D3 polypeptide K11088 SNRPD3; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D3 D 6635 SNRPE; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide E K11097 SNRPE; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein E D 6636 SNRPF; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide F K11098 SNRPF; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein F D 6637 SNRPG; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide G K11099 SNRPG; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein G C U1 snRNP specific factors D 6625 SNRNP70; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein U1 subunit 70 K11093 SNRP70; U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein 70kDa D 6626 SNRPA; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide A K11091 SNRPA; U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein A D 6631 SNRPC; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide C K11095 SNRPC; U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein C C U1 related factors D 1655 DDX5; DEAD-box helicase 5 K12823 DDX5; ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX5/DBP2 [EC:] D 25766 PRPF40B; pre-mRNA processing factor 40 homolog B K12821 PRPF40; pre-mRNA-processing factor 40 D 55660 PRPF40A; pre-mRNA processing factor 40 homolog A K12821 PRPF40; pre-mRNA-processing factor 40 D 58517 RBM25; RNA binding motif protein 25 K12822 RBM25; RNA-binding protein 25 D 10915 TCERG1; transcription elongation regulator 1 K12824 TCERG1; transcription elongation regulator 1 B U2 snRNP components C Sm proteins D 6628 SNRPB; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptides B and B1 K11086 SNRPB; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein B and B' D 6632 SNRPD1; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D1 polypeptide K11087 SNRPD1; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D1 D 6633 SNRPD2; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D2 polypeptide K11096 SNRPD2; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D2 D 6634 SNRPD3; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D3 polypeptide K11088 SNRPD3; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D3 D 6635 SNRPE; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide E K11097 SNRPE; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein E D 6636 SNRPF; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide F K11098 SNRPF; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein F D 6637 SNRPG; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide G K11099 SNRPG; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein G C U2 snRNP specific factors D 6627 SNRPA1; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide A' K11092 SNRPA1; U2 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein A' D 6629 SNRPB2; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide B2 K11094 SNRPB2; U2 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein B'' D 10291 SF3A1; splicing factor 3a subunit 1 K12825 SF3A1; splicing factor 3A subunit 1 D 8175 SF3A2; splicing factor 3a subunit 2 K12826 SF3A2; splicing factor 3A subunit 2 D 10946 SF3A3; splicing factor 3a subunit 3 K12827 SF3A3; splicing factor 3A subunit 3 D 23451 SF3B1; splicing factor 3b subunit 1 K12828 SF3B1; splicing factor 3B subunit 1 D 10992 SF3B2; splicing factor 3b subunit 2 K12829 SF3B2; splicing factor 3B subunit 2 D 23450 SF3B3; splicing factor 3b subunit 3 K12830 SF3B3; splicing factor 3B subunit 3 D 10262 SF3B4; splicing factor 3b subunit 4 K12831 SF3B4; splicing factor 3B subunit 4 D 83443 SF3B5; splicing factor 3b subunit 5 K12832 SF3B5; splicing factor 3B subunit 5 D 51639 SF3B6; splicing factor 3b subunit 6 K12833 SF3B14; pre-mRNA branch site protein p14 D 11325 DDX42; DEAD-box helicase 42 K12835 DDX42; ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX42 [EC:] D 84844 PHF5A; PHD finger protein 5A K12834 PHF5A; PHD finger-like domain-containing protein 5A C U2 related factors D 102724594 U2AF1L5; U2 small nuclear RNA auxiliary factor 1 like 5 K12836 U2AF1; splicing factor U2AF 35 kDa subunit D 199746 U2AF1L4; U2 small nuclear RNA auxiliary factor 1 like 4 K12836 U2AF1; splicing factor U2AF 35 kDa subunit D 7307 U2AF1; U2 small nuclear RNA auxiliary factor 1 K12836 U2AF1; splicing factor U2AF 35 kDa subunit D 11338 U2AF2; U2 small nuclear RNA auxiliary factor 2 K12837 U2AF2; splicing factor U2AF 65 kDa subunit D 10523 CHERP; calcium homeostasis endoplasmic reticulum protein K12841 CHERP; calcium homeostasis endoplasmic reticulum protein D 1665 DHX15; DEAH-box helicase 15 K12820 DHX15; pre-mRNA-splicing factor ATP-dependent RNA helicase DHX15/PRP43 [EC:] D 9879 DDX46; DEAD-box helicase 46 K12811 DDX46; ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX46/PRP5 [EC:] D 22827 PUF60; poly(U) binding splicing factor 60 K12838 PUF60; poly(U)-binding-splicing factor PUF60 D 84991 RBM17; RNA binding motif protein 17 K12840 RBM17; splicing factor 45 D 10285 SMNDC1; survival motor neuron domain containing 1 K12839 SMNDC1; survival of motor neuron-related-splicing factor 30 D 23350 U2SURP; U2 snRNP associated SURP domain containing K12842 SR140; U2-associated protein SR140 D 6100 RP9; RP9 pre-mRNA splicing factor K19604 RP9; retinitis pigmentosa 9 protein D 8233 ZRSR2; zinc finger CCCH-type, RNA binding motif and serine/arginine rich 2 K24273 ZRSR; U2 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein auxiliary factor 35 kDa subunit-related protein B Other components C Complex A specific factors D 9184 BUB3; BUB3 mitotic checkpoint protein K02180 BUB3; cell cycle arrest protein BUB3 D 728642 CDK11A; cyclin dependent kinase 11A K08818 CDC2L; cell division cycle 2-like [EC:] D 984 CDK11B; cyclin dependent kinase 11B K08818 CDC2L; cell division cycle 2-like [EC:] D 27336 HTATSF1; HIV-1 Tat specific factor 1 K13093 HTATSF1; HIV Tat-specific factor 1 D 10181 RBM5; RNA binding motif protein 5 K13094 RBM5_10; RNA-binding protein 5/10 D 8241 RBM10; RNA binding motif protein 10 K13094 RBM5_10; RNA-binding protein 5/10 D 7536 SF1; splicing factor 1 K13095 SF1; splicing factor 1 D 57794 SUGP1; SURP and G-patch domain containing 1 K13096 SF4; splicing factor 4 D 80312 TET1; tet methylcytosine dioxygenase 1 K13097 TET1; methylcytosine dioxygenase [EC:] D 2521 FUS; FUS RNA binding protein K13098 TLS; RNA-binding protein FUS D 282996 RBM20; RNA binding motif protein 20 K24052 RBM20; RNA-binding protein 20 # AComplex B B U1 snRNP components C Sm proteins D 6628 SNRPB; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptides B and B1 K11086 SNRPB; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein B and B' D 6632 SNRPD1; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D1 polypeptide K11087 SNRPD1; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D1 D 6633 SNRPD2; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D2 polypeptide K11096 SNRPD2; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D2 D 6634 SNRPD3; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D3 polypeptide K11088 SNRPD3; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D3 D 6635 SNRPE; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide E K11097 SNRPE; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein E D 6636 SNRPF; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide F K11098 SNRPF; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein F D 6637 SNRPG; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide G K11099 SNRPG; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein G C U1 snRNP specific factors D 6625 SNRNP70; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein U1 subunit 70 K11093 SNRP70; U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein 70kDa D 6626 SNRPA; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide A K11091 SNRPA; U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein A D 6631 SNRPC; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide C K11095 SNRPC; U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein C C U1 related factors D 1655 DDX5; DEAD-box helicase 5 K12823 DDX5; ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX5/DBP2 [EC:] D 25766 PRPF40B; pre-mRNA processing factor 40 homolog B K12821 PRPF40; pre-mRNA-processing factor 40 D 55660 PRPF40A; pre-mRNA processing factor 40 homolog A K12821 PRPF40; pre-mRNA-processing factor 40 D 58517 RBM25; RNA binding motif protein 25 K12822 RBM25; RNA-binding protein 25 D 10915 TCERG1; transcription elongation regulator 1 K12824 TCERG1; transcription elongation regulator 1 B U2 snRNP components C Sm proteins D 6628 SNRPB; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptides B and B1 K11086 SNRPB; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein B and B' D 6632 SNRPD1; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D1 polypeptide K11087 SNRPD1; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D1 D 6633 SNRPD2; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D2 polypeptide K11096 SNRPD2; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D2 D 6634 SNRPD3; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D3 polypeptide K11088 SNRPD3; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D3 D 6635 SNRPE; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide E K11097 SNRPE; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein E D 6636 SNRPF; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide F K11098 SNRPF; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein F D 6637 SNRPG; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide G K11099 SNRPG; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein G C U2 snRNP specific factors D 6627 SNRPA1; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide A' K11092 SNRPA1; U2 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein A' D 6629 SNRPB2; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide B2 K11094 SNRPB2; U2 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein B'' D 10291 SF3A1; splicing factor 3a subunit 1 K12825 SF3A1; splicing factor 3A subunit 1 D 8175 SF3A2; splicing factor 3a subunit 2 K12826 SF3A2; splicing factor 3A subunit 2 D 10946 SF3A3; splicing factor 3a subunit 3 K12827 SF3A3; splicing factor 3A subunit 3 D 23451 SF3B1; splicing factor 3b subunit 1 K12828 SF3B1; splicing factor 3B subunit 1 D 10992 SF3B2; splicing factor 3b subunit 2 K12829 SF3B2; splicing factor 3B subunit 2 D 23450 SF3B3; splicing factor 3b subunit 3 K12830 SF3B3; splicing factor 3B subunit 3 D 10262 SF3B4; splicing factor 3b subunit 4 K12831 SF3B4; splicing factor 3B subunit 4 D 83443 SF3B5; splicing factor 3b subunit 5 K12832 SF3B5; splicing factor 3B subunit 5 D 51639 SF3B6; splicing factor 3b subunit 6 K12833 SF3B14; pre-mRNA branch site protein p14 D 11325 DDX42; DEAD-box helicase 42 K12835 DDX42; ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX42 [EC:] D 84844 PHF5A; PHD finger protein 5A K12834 PHF5A; PHD finger-like domain-containing protein 5A C U2 related factors D 102724594 U2AF1L5; U2 small nuclear RNA auxiliary factor 1 like 5 K12836 U2AF1; splicing factor U2AF 35 kDa subunit D 199746 U2AF1L4; U2 small nuclear RNA auxiliary factor 1 like 4 K12836 U2AF1; splicing factor U2AF 35 kDa subunit D 7307 U2AF1; U2 small nuclear RNA auxiliary factor 1 K12836 U2AF1; splicing factor U2AF 35 kDa subunit D 11338 U2AF2; U2 small nuclear RNA auxiliary factor 2 K12837 U2AF2; splicing factor U2AF 65 kDa subunit D 10523 CHERP; calcium homeostasis endoplasmic reticulum protein K12841 CHERP; calcium homeostasis endoplasmic reticulum protein D 1665 DHX15; DEAH-box helicase 15 K12820 DHX15; pre-mRNA-splicing factor ATP-dependent RNA helicase DHX15/PRP43 [EC:] D 9879 DDX46; DEAD-box helicase 46 K12811 DDX46; ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX46/PRP5 [EC:] D 22827 PUF60; poly(U) binding splicing factor 60 K12838 PUF60; poly(U)-binding-splicing factor PUF60 D 84991 RBM17; RNA binding motif protein 17 K12840 RBM17; splicing factor 45 D 10285 SMNDC1; survival motor neuron domain containing 1 K12839 SMNDC1; survival of motor neuron-related-splicing factor 30 D 23350 U2SURP; U2 snRNP associated SURP domain containing K12842 SR140; U2-associated protein SR140 D 6100 RP9; RP9 pre-mRNA splicing factor K19604 RP9; retinitis pigmentosa 9 protein D 8233 ZRSR2; zinc finger CCCH-type, RNA binding motif and serine/arginine rich 2 K24273 ZRSR; U2 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein auxiliary factor 35 kDa subunit-related protein B U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNP components C Sm proteins D 6628 SNRPB; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptides B and B1 K11086 SNRPB; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein B and B' D 6632 SNRPD1; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D1 polypeptide K11087 SNRPD1; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D1 D 6633 SNRPD2; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D2 polypeptide K11096 SNRPD2; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D2 D 6634 SNRPD3; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D3 polypeptide K11088 SNRPD3; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D3 D 6635 SNRPE; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide E K11097 SNRPE; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein E D 6636 SNRPF; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide F K11098 SNRPF; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein F D 6637 SNRPG; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide G K11099 SNRPG; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein G C LSm proteins D 57819 LSM2; LSM2 homolog, U6 small nuclear RNA and mRNA degradation associated K12621 LSM2; U6 snRNA-associated Sm-like protein LSm2 D 27258 LSM3; LSM3 homolog, U6 small nuclear RNA and mRNA degradation associated K12622 LSM3; U6 snRNA-associated Sm-like protein LSm3 D 25804 LSM4; LSM4 homolog, U6 small nuclear RNA and mRNA degradation associated K12623 LSM4; U6 snRNA-associated Sm-like protein LSm4 D 23658 LSM5; LSM5 homolog, U6 small nuclear RNA and mRNA degradation associated K12624 LSM5; U6 snRNA-associated Sm-like protein LSm5 D 11157 LSM6; LSM6 homolog, U6 small nuclear RNA and mRNA degradation associated K12625 LSM6; U6 snRNA-associated Sm-like protein LSm6 D 51690 LSM7; LSM7 homolog, U6 small nuclear RNA and mRNA degradation associated K12626 LSM7; U6 snRNA-associated Sm-like protein LSm7 D 51691 LSM8; LSM8 homolog, U6 small nuclear RNA associated K12627 LSM8; U6 snRNA-associated Sm-like protein LSm8 C U4/U6 snRNP specific factors D 9129 PRPF3; pre-mRNA processing factor 3 K12843 PRPF3; U4/U6 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein PRP3 D 9128 PRPF4; pre-mRNA splicing tri-snRNP complex factor PRPF4 K12662 PRPF4; U4/U6 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein PRP4 D 10465 PPIH; peptidylprolyl isomerase H K09567 PPIH; peptidyl-prolyl isomerase H (cyclophilin H) [EC:] D 26121 PRPF31; pre-mRNA processing factor 31 K12844 PRPF31; U4/U6 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein PRP31 D 4809 SNU13; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein 13 K12845 SNU13; U4/U6 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein SNU13 D 9733 SART3; spliceosome associated factor 3, U4/U6 recycling protein K22611 SART3; squamous cell carcinoma antigen recognized by T-cells 3 C U5 snRNP specific factors D 9343 EFTUD2; elongation factor Tu GTP binding domain containing 2 K12852 EFTUD2; 116 kDa U5 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein component D 24148 PRPF6; pre-mRNA processing factor 6 K12855 PRPF6; pre-mRNA-processing factor 6 D 10594 PRPF8; pre-mRNA processing factor 8 K12856 PRPF8; pre-mRNA-processing factor 8 D 9410 SNRNP40; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein U5 subunit 40 K12857 SNRNP40; Prp8 binding protein D 23020 SNRNP200; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein U5 subunit 200 K12854 SNRNP200; pre-mRNA-splicing helicase BRR2 [EC:] D 9416 DDX23; DEAD-box helicase 23 K12858 DDX23; ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX23/PRP28 [EC:] D 10907 TXNL4A; thioredoxin like 4A K12859 TXNL4A; U5 snRNP protein, DIM1 family D 10421 CD2BP2; CD2 cytoplasmic tail binding protein 2 K13099 CD2BP2; CD2 antigen cytoplasmic tail-binding protein 2 C U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNP specific factors D 9092 SART1; spliceosome associated factor 1, recruiter of U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNP K11984 SART1; U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNP-associated protein 1 D 10713 USP39; ubiquitin specific peptidase 39 K12847 USP39; U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNP-associated protein 2 D 11017 SNRNP27; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein U4/U6.U5 subunit 27 K12846 SNRNP27; U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNP-associated protein 3 C U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNP related factors D 153527 ZMAT2; zinc finger matrin-type 2 K12848 SNU23; U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNP component SNU23 D 84950 PRPF38A; pre-mRNA processing factor 38A K12849 PRPF38A; pre-mRNA-splicing factor 38A D 55119 PRPF38B; pre-mRNA processing factor 38B K12850 PRPF38B; pre-mRNA-splicing factor 38B D 57703 CWC22; CWC22 spliceosome associated protein homolog K13100 CWC22; pre-mRNA-splicing factor CWC22 D 8449 DHX16; DEAH-box helicase 16 K12813 DHX16; pre-mRNA-splicing factor ATP-dependent RNA helicase DHX16 [EC:] D 27238 GPKOW; G-patch domain and KOW motifs K13101 GPKOW; G patch domain and KOW motifs-containing protein D 3315 HSPB1; heat shock protein family B (small) member 1 K04455 HSPB1; heat shock protein beta-1 D 23759 PPIL2; peptidylprolyl isomerase like 2 K10598 PPIL2; peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase-like 2 [EC:] D 23517 MTREX; Mtr4 exosome RNA helicase K12598 MTR4; ATP-dependent RNA helicase DOB1 [EC:] D 91603 ZNF830; zinc finger protein 830 K13104 ZNF830; zinc finger protein 830 D 6100 RP9; RP9 pre-mRNA splicing factor K19604 RP9; retinitis pigmentosa 9 protein B Other components C Prp19 complex D 27339 PRPF19; pre-mRNA processing factor 19 K10599 PRPF19; pre-mRNA-processing factor 19 [EC:] D 988 CDC5L; cell division cycle 5 like K12860 CDC5L; pre-mRNA-splicing factor CDC5/CEF1 D 10286 BCAS2; BCAS2 pre-mRNA processing factor K12861 BCAS2; pre-mRNA-splicing factor SPF27 D 5356 PLRG1; pleiotropic regulator 1 K12862 PLRG1; pleiotropic regulator 1 D 51503 CWC15; CWC15 spliceosome associated protein homolog K12863 CWC15; protein CWC15 D 56259 CTNNBL1; catenin beta like 1 K12864 CTNNBL1; beta-catenin-like protein 1 D 3303 HSPA1A; heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 1A K03283 HSPA1_6_8; heat shock 70kDa protein 1/6/8 D 3304 HSPA1B; heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 1B K03283 HSPA1_6_8; heat shock 70kDa protein 1/6/8 D 3305 HSPA1L; heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 1 like K03283 HSPA1_6_8; heat shock 70kDa protein 1/6/8 D 3310 HSPA6; heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 6 K03283 HSPA1_6_8; heat shock 70kDa protein 1/6/8 D 3312 HSPA8; heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 8 K03283 HSPA1_6_8; heat shock 70kDa protein 1/6/8 D 10084 PQBP1; polyglutamine binding protein 1 K12865 PQBP1; polyglutamine-binding protein 1 D 51729 WBP11; WW domain binding protein 11 K12866 WBP11; WW domain-binding protein 11 C Prp19-related factors D 22938 SNW1; SNW domain containing 1 K06063 SNW1; SNW domain-containing protein 1 D 56949 XAB2; XPA binding protein 2 K12867 SYF1; pre-mRNA-splicing factor SYF1 D 25949 SYF2; SYF2 pre-mRNA splicing factor K12868 SYF2; pre-mRNA-splicing factor SYF2 D 51340 CRNKL1; crooked neck pre-mRNA splicing factor 1 K12869 CRN; crooked neck D 9716 AQR; aquarius intron-binding spliceosomal factor K12874 AQR; intron-binding protein aquarius D 8896 BUD31; BUD31 homolog K12873 BUD31; bud site selection protein 31 D 151903 CCDC12; coiled-coil domain containing 12 K12871 CCDC12; coiled-coil domain-containing protein 12 D 100534599 ISY1-RAB43; ISY1-RAB43 readthrough K12870 ISY1; pre-mRNA-splicing factor ISY1 D 57461 ISY1; ISY1 splicing factor homolog K12870 ISY1; pre-mRNA-splicing factor ISY1 D 10450 PPIE; peptidylprolyl isomerase E K09564 PPIE; peptidyl-prolyl isomerase E (cyclophilin E) [EC:] D 51645 PPIL1; peptidylprolyl isomerase like 1 K12733 PPIL1; peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase-like 1 [EC:] D 5546 PRCC; proline rich mitotic checkpoint control factor K13105 PRCC; proline-rich protein PRCC D 55696 RBM22; RNA binding motif protein 22 K12872 RBM22; pre-mRNA-splicing factor RBM22/SLT11 D 22889 KHDC4; KH domain containing 4, pre-mRNA splicing factor K25780 KHDC4; kelch domain-containing protein 4 C RES complex D 84811 BUD13; BUD13 homolog K13106 BUD13; pre-mRNA-splicing factor CWC26 D 51634 RBMX2; RNA binding motif protein X-linked 2 K13107 RBMX2; RNA-binding motif protein, X-linked 2 D 79753 SNIP1; Smad nuclear interacting protein 1 K13108 SNIP1; smad nuclear-interacting protein 1 C Complex B specific factors D 3550 IK; IK cytokine K13109 IK; IK cytokine D 4236 MFAP1; microfibril associated protein 1 K13110 MFAP1; microfibrillar-associated protein 1 D 55234 SMU1; SMU1 DNA replication regulator and spliceosomal factor K13111 SMU1; WD40 repeat-containing protein SMU1 D 9967 THRAP3; thyroid hormone receptor associated protein 3 K13112 THRAP3; thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 3 D 59286 UBL5; ubiquitin like 5 K13113 UBL5; ubiquitin-like protein 5 # AComplex C B U2 snRNP components C Sm proteins D 6628 SNRPB; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptides B and B1 K11086 SNRPB; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein B and B' D 6632 SNRPD1; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D1 polypeptide K11087 SNRPD1; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D1 D 6633 SNRPD2; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D2 polypeptide K11096 SNRPD2; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D2 D 6634 SNRPD3; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D3 polypeptide K11088 SNRPD3; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D3 D 6635 SNRPE; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide E K11097 SNRPE; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein E D 6636 SNRPF; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide F K11098 SNRPF; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein F D 6637 SNRPG; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide G K11099 SNRPG; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein G C LSm proteins D 57819 LSM2; LSM2 homolog, U6 small nuclear RNA and mRNA degradation associated K12621 LSM2; U6 snRNA-associated Sm-like protein LSm2 D 27258 LSM3; LSM3 homolog, U6 small nuclear RNA and mRNA degradation associated K12622 LSM3; U6 snRNA-associated Sm-like protein LSm3 C U2 SnRNP specific factors D 6627 SNRPA1; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide A' K11092 SNRPA1; U2 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein A' D 6629 SNRPB2; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide B2 K11094 SNRPB2; U2 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein B'' D 10291 SF3A1; splicing factor 3a subunit 1 K12825 SF3A1; splicing factor 3A subunit 1 D 8175 SF3A2; splicing factor 3a subunit 2 K12826 SF3A2; splicing factor 3A subunit 2 D 10946 SF3A3; splicing factor 3a subunit 3 K12827 SF3A3; splicing factor 3A subunit 3 D 23451 SF3B1; splicing factor 3b subunit 1 K12828 SF3B1; splicing factor 3B subunit 1 D 10992 SF3B2; splicing factor 3b subunit 2 K12829 SF3B2; splicing factor 3B subunit 2 D 23450 SF3B3; splicing factor 3b subunit 3 K12830 SF3B3; splicing factor 3B subunit 3 D 10262 SF3B4; splicing factor 3b subunit 4 K12831 SF3B4; splicing factor 3B subunit 4 D 83443 SF3B5; splicing factor 3b subunit 5 K12832 SF3B5; splicing factor 3B subunit 5 D 51639 SF3B6; splicing factor 3b subunit 6 K12833 SF3B14; pre-mRNA branch site protein p14 D 11325 DDX42; DEAD-box helicase 42 K12835 DDX42; ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX42 [EC:] D 84844 PHF5A; PHD finger protein 5A K12834 PHF5A; PHD finger-like domain-containing protein 5A B U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNP components C Sm proteins D 6628 SNRPB; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptides B and B1 K11086 SNRPB; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein B and B' D 6632 SNRPD1; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D1 polypeptide K11087 SNRPD1; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D1 D 6633 SNRPD2; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D2 polypeptide K11096 SNRPD2; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D2 D 6634 SNRPD3; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D3 polypeptide K11088 SNRPD3; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D3 D 6635 SNRPE; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide E K11097 SNRPE; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein E D 6636 SNRPF; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide F K11098 SNRPF; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein F D 6637 SNRPG; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide G K11099 SNRPG; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein G C U5 SnRNP specific factors D 9343 EFTUD2; elongation factor Tu GTP binding domain containing 2 K12852 EFTUD2; 116 kDa U5 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein component D 23020 SNRNP200; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein U5 subunit 200 K12854 SNRNP200; pre-mRNA-splicing helicase BRR2 [EC:] D 24148 PRPF6; pre-mRNA processing factor 6 K12855 PRPF6; pre-mRNA-processing factor 6 D 10594 PRPF8; pre-mRNA processing factor 8 K12856 PRPF8; pre-mRNA-processing factor 8 D 9410 SNRNP40; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein U5 subunit 40 K12857 SNRNP40; Prp8 binding protein D 9416 DDX23; DEAD-box helicase 23 K12858 DDX23; ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX23/PRP28 [EC:] C U4/U6.U5 tri-SnRNP specific factors D 9092 SART1; spliceosome associated factor 1, recruiter of U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNP K11984 SART1; U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNP-associated protein 1 C U4/U6.U5 tri-SnRNP related factors D 153527 ZMAT2; zinc finger matrin-type 2 K12848 SNU23; U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNP component SNU23 D 84950 PRPF38A; pre-mRNA processing factor 38A K12849 PRPF38A; pre-mRNA-splicing factor 38A D 55119 PRPF38B; pre-mRNA processing factor 38B K12850 PRPF38B; pre-mRNA-splicing factor 38B D 57703 CWC22; CWC22 spliceosome associated protein homolog K13100 CWC22; pre-mRNA-splicing factor CWC22 D 8449 DHX16; DEAH-box helicase 16 K12813 DHX16; pre-mRNA-splicing factor ATP-dependent RNA helicase DHX16 [EC:] D 27238 GPKOW; G-patch domain and KOW motifs K13101 GPKOW; G patch domain and KOW motifs-containing protein D 3315 HSPB1; heat shock protein family B (small) member 1 K04455 HSPB1; heat shock protein beta-1 D 23759 PPIL2; peptidylprolyl isomerase like 2 K10598 PPIL2; peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase-like 2 [EC:] D 23517 MTREX; Mtr4 exosome RNA helicase K12598 MTR4; ATP-dependent RNA helicase DOB1 [EC:] D 91603 ZNF830; zinc finger protein 830 K13104 ZNF830; zinc finger protein 830 D 1665 DHX15; DEAH-box helicase 15 K12820 DHX15; pre-mRNA-splicing factor ATP-dependent RNA helicase DHX15/PRP43 [EC:] D 24144 TFIP11; tuftelin interacting protein 11 K13103 TFIP11; tuftelin-interacting protein 11 D 6100 RP9; RP9 pre-mRNA splicing factor K19604 RP9; retinitis pigmentosa 9 protein B Other components C Prp19-CDC5 complex D 27339 PRPF19; pre-mRNA processing factor 19 K10599 PRPF19; pre-mRNA-processing factor 19 [EC:] D 988 CDC5L; cell division cycle 5 like K12860 CDC5L; pre-mRNA-splicing factor CDC5/CEF1 D 10286 BCAS2; BCAS2 pre-mRNA processing factor K12861 BCAS2; pre-mRNA-splicing factor SPF27 D 56259 CTNNBL1; catenin beta like 1 K12864 CTNNBL1; beta-catenin-like protein 1 D 51503 CWC15; CWC15 spliceosome associated protein homolog K12863 CWC15; protein CWC15 D 5356 PLRG1; pleiotropic regulator 1 K12862 PLRG1; pleiotropic regulator 1 D 3303 HSPA1A; heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 1A K03283 HSPA1_6_8; heat shock 70kDa protein 1/6/8 D 3304 HSPA1B; heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 1B K03283 HSPA1_6_8; heat shock 70kDa protein 1/6/8 D 3305 HSPA1L; heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 1 like K03283 HSPA1_6_8; heat shock 70kDa protein 1/6/8 D 3310 HSPA6; heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 6 K03283 HSPA1_6_8; heat shock 70kDa protein 1/6/8 D 3312 HSPA8; heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 8 K03283 HSPA1_6_8; heat shock 70kDa protein 1/6/8 C Prp19-related factors D 22938 SNW1; SNW domain containing 1 K06063 SNW1; SNW domain-containing protein 1 D 56949 XAB2; XPA binding protein 2 K12867 SYF1; pre-mRNA-splicing factor SYF1 D 25949 SYF2; SYF2 pre-mRNA splicing factor K12868 SYF2; pre-mRNA-splicing factor SYF2 D 51340 CRNKL1; crooked neck pre-mRNA splicing factor 1 K12869 CRN; crooked neck D 9716 AQR; aquarius intron-binding spliceosomal factor K12874 AQR; intron-binding protein aquarius D 8896 BUD31; BUD31 homolog K12873 BUD31; bud site selection protein 31 D 151903 CCDC12; coiled-coil domain containing 12 K12871 CCDC12; coiled-coil domain-containing protein 12 D 100534599 ISY1-RAB43; ISY1-RAB43 readthrough K12870 ISY1; pre-mRNA-splicing factor ISY1 D 57461 ISY1; ISY1 splicing factor homolog K12870 ISY1; pre-mRNA-splicing factor ISY1 D 51645 PPIL1; peptidylprolyl isomerase like 1 K12733 PPIL1; peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase-like 1 [EC:] D 10450 PPIE; peptidylprolyl isomerase E K09564 PPIE; peptidyl-prolyl isomerase E (cyclophilin E) [EC:] D 55696 RBM22; RNA binding motif protein 22 K12872 RBM22; pre-mRNA-splicing factor RBM22/SLT11 C RES complex D 84811 BUD13; BUD13 homolog K13106 BUD13; pre-mRNA-splicing factor CWC26 D 51634 RBMX2; RNA binding motif protein X-linked 2 K13107 RBMX2; RNA-binding motif protein, X-linked 2 D 79753 SNIP1; Smad nuclear interacting protein 1 K13108 SNIP1; smad nuclear-interacting protein 1 C EJC/TREX D 22985 ACIN1; apoptotic chromatin condensation inducer 1 K12875 ACIN1; apoptotic chromatin condensation inducer in the nucleus D 7919 DDX39B; DExD-box helicase 39B K12812 DDX39B; ATP-dependent RNA helicase UAP56/SUB2 [EC:] D 9775 EIF4A3; eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4A3 K13025 EIF4A3; ATP-dependent RNA helicase [EC:] D 51244 CCDC174; coiled-coil domain containing 174 K25178 CCDC174; coiled-coil domain-containing protein 174 D 4116 MAGOH; mago homolog, exon junction complex subunit K12877 MAGOH; protein mago nashi D 55110 MAGOHB; mago homolog B, exon junction complex subunit K12877 MAGOH; protein mago nashi D 5411 PNN; pinin, desmosome associated protein K13114 PNN; pinin D 9939 RBM8A; RNA binding motif protein 8A K12876 RBM8A; RNA-binding protein 8A D 9984 THOC1; THO complex subunit 1 K12878 THOC1; THO complex subunit 1 D 57187 THOC2; THO complex subunit 2 K12879 THOC2; THO complex subunit 2 D 84321 THOC3; THO complex subunit 3 K12880 THOC3; THO complex subunit 3 D 10189 ALYREF; Aly/REF export factor K12881 THOC4; THO complex subunit 4 C Step II factors D 51362 CDC40; cell division cycle 40 K12816 CDC40; pre-mRNA-processing factor 17 D 8559 PRPF18; pre-mRNA processing factor 18 K12817 PRPF18; pre-mRNA-splicing factor 18 D 10569 SLU7; SLU7 homolog, splicing factor K12819 SLU7; pre-mRNA-processing factor SLU7 D 1659 DHX8; DEAH-box helicase 8 K12818 DHX8; ATP-dependent RNA helicase DHX8/PRP22 [EC:] D 9785 DHX38; DEAH-box helicase 38 K12815 DHX38; pre-mRNA-splicing factor ATP-dependent RNA helicase DHX38/PRP16 [EC:] D 51319 RSRC1; arginine and serine rich coiled-coil 1 K24594 RSRC1; arginine/serine-rich coiled-coil protein 1 C PPlases D 53938 PPIL3; peptidylprolyl isomerase like 3 K12734 PPIL3; peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase-like 3 [EC:] D 85313 PPIL4; peptidylprolyl isomerase like 4 K12735 PPIL4; peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase-like 4 [EC:] D 9360 PPIG; peptidylprolyl isomerase G K09566 PPIG; peptidyl-prolyl isomerase G (cyclophilin G) [EC:] D 23398 PPWD1; peptidylprolyl isomerase domain and WD repeat containing 1 K12736 PPWD1; peptidylprolyl isomerase domain and WD repeat-containing protein 1 [EC:] D 10283 CWC27; CWC27 spliceosome associated cyclophilin K12737 SDCCAG10; peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase SDCCAG10 [EC:] C hnRNP proteins D 3185 HNRNPF; heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein F K12898 HNRNPF_H; heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein F/H D 3187 HNRNPH1; heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H1 K12898 HNRNPF_H; heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein F/H D 3188 HNRNPH2; heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H2 K12898 HNRNPF_H; heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein F/H D 3189 HNRNPH3; heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H3 K12898 HNRNPF_H; heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein F/H D 10236 HNRNPR; heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein R K13161 HNRNPR; heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein R D 22913 RALY; RALY heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K12895 RALY; RNA-binding protein Raly C Complex C specific factors D 81576 YJU2B; YJU2 splicing factor homolog B K13115 CCDC130; coiled-coil domain-containing protein 130 D 51428 DDX41; DEAD-box helicase 41 K13116 DDX41; ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX41 [EC:] D 60625 DHX35; DEAH-box helicase 35 K13117 DHX35; ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX35 [EC:] D 8220 ESS2; ess-2 splicing factor homolog K13118 DGCR14; protein DGCR14 D 26240 FAM50B; family with sequence similarity 50 member B K13119 FAM50; protein FAM50 D 9130 FAM50A; family with sequence similarity 50 member A K13119 FAM50; protein FAM50 D 26017 FAM32A; family with sequence similarity 32 member A K13120 FAM32A; protein FAM32A D 118924 FRA10AC1; FRA10A associated CGG repeat 1 K13121 FRA10AC1; protein FRA10AC1 D 2483 FRG1; FSHD region gene 1 K13122 FRG1; protein FRG1 D 55094 GPATCH1; G-patch domain containing 1 K13123 GPATCH1; G patch domain-containing protein 1 D 84292 WDR83; WD repeat domain 83 K13124 MORG1; mitogen-activated protein kinase organizer 1 D 51070 NOSIP; nitric oxide synthase interacting protein K13125 NOSIP; nitric oxide synthase-interacting protein D 132430 PABPC4L; poly(A) binding protein cytoplasmic 4 like K13126 PABPC; polyadenylate-binding protein D 140886 PABPC5; poly(A) binding protein cytoplasmic 5 K13126 PABPC; polyadenylate-binding protein D 26986 PABPC1; poly(A) binding protein cytoplasmic 1 K13126 PABPC; polyadenylate-binding protein D 340529 PABPC1L2A; poly(A) binding protein cytoplasmic 1 like 2A K13126 PABPC; polyadenylate-binding protein D 5042 PABPC3; poly(A) binding protein cytoplasmic 3 K13126 PABPC; polyadenylate-binding protein D 645974 PABPC1L2B; poly(A) binding protein cytoplasmic 1 like 2B K13126 PABPC; polyadenylate-binding protein D 80336 PABPC1L; poly(A) binding protein cytoplasmic 1 like K13126 PABPC; polyadenylate-binding protein D 8761 PABPC4; poly(A) binding protein cytoplasmic 4 K13126 PABPC; polyadenylate-binding protein D 7737 RNF113A; ring finger protein 113A K13127 RNF113A; RING finger protein 113A D 24144 TFIP11; tuftelin interacting protein 11 K13103 TFIP11; tuftelin-interacting protein 11 D 55596 ZCCHC8; zinc finger CCHC-type containing 8 K13128 ZCCHC8; zinc finger CCHC domain-containing protein 8 D 58509 CACTIN; cactin, spliceosome C complex subunit K25058 CACTIN; cactin D 163859 SDE2; SDE2 telomere maintenance homolog K25059 SDE2; replication stress response regulator SDE2 D 79706 PRKRIP1; PRKR interacting protein 1 K26159 PRKRIP1; PRKR-interacting protein 1 # AOther splicing related proteins B Proteins involved in snRNP biogenesis C SMN complex factors D 6606 SMN1; survival of motor neuron 1, telomeric K13129 SMN; survival motor neuron protein D 6607 SMN2; survival of motor neuron 2, centromeric K13129 SMN; survival motor neuron protein D 8487 GEMIN2; gem nuclear organelle associated protein 2 K13130 GEMIN2; gem associated protein 2 D 11218 DDX20; DEAD-box helicase 20 K13131 DDX20; ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX20 [EC:] D 50628 GEMIN4; gem nuclear organelle associated protein 4 K13132 GEMIN4; gem associated protein 4 D 25929 GEMIN5; gem nuclear organelle associated protein 5 K13133 GEMIN5; gem associated protein 5 D 79833 GEMIN6; gem nuclear organelle associated protein 6 K13134 GEMIN6; gem associated protein 6 D 79760 GEMIN7; gem nuclear organelle associated protein 7 K13135 GEMIN7; gem associated protein 7 D 54960 GEMIN8; gem nuclear organelle associated protein 8 K13136 GEMIN8; gem associated protein 8 D 11171 STRAP; serine/threonine kinase receptor associated protein K13137 STRAP; serine-threonine kinase receptor-associated protein C Integrator complex D 26173 INTS1; integrator complex subunit 1 K13138 INTS1; integrator complex subunit 1 D 57508 INTS2; integrator complex subunit 2 K13139 INTS2; integrator complex subunit 2 D 65123 INTS3; integrator complex subunit 3 K13140 INTS3; integrator complex subunit 3 D 92105 INTS4; integrator complex subunit 4 K13141 INTS4; integrator complex subunit 4 D 80789 INTS5; integrator complex subunit 5 K13142 INTS5; integrator complex subunit 5 D 26512 INTS6; integrator complex subunit 6 K13143 INTS6; integrator complex subunit 6 D 25896 INTS7; integrator complex subunit 7 K13144 INTS7; integrator complex subunit 7 D 55656 INTS8; integrator complex subunit 8 K13145 INTS8; integrator complex subunit 8 D 55756 INTS9; integrator complex subunit 9 K13146 INTS9; integrator complex subunit 9 D 55174 INTS10; integrator complex subunit 10 K13147 INTS10; integrator complex subunit 10 D 54973 INTS11; integrator complex subunit 11 K13148 CPSF3L; integrator complex subunit 11 [EC:3.1.27.-] D 57117 INTS12; integrator complex subunit 12 K13149 INTS12; integrator complex subunit 12 C Other proteins involved in snRNP biogenesis D 8161 COIL; coilin K13150 COIL; coilin D 10285 SMNDC1; survival motor neuron domain containing 1 K12839 SMNDC1; survival of motor neuron-related-splicing factor 30 D 10073 SNUPN; snurportin 1 K13151 SNUPN; snurportin-1 D 79650 USB1; U6 snRNA biogenesis phosphodiesterase 1 K23093 USB1; U6 snRNA phosphodiesterase [EC:3.1.4.-] D 1207 CLNS1A; chloride nucleotide-sensitive channel 1A K05019 CLNS1A; chloride channel, nucleotide-sensitive, 1A D 96764 TGS1; trimethylguanosine synthase 1 K14292 TGS1; trimethylguanosine synthase [EC:2.1.1.-] D 203522 INTS6L; integrator complex subunit 6 like K13180 INTS6L; integrator complex subunit 6-like D 8882 ZPR1; ZPR1 zinc finger K06874 ZPR1; zinc finger protein ZPR1 B Minor spliceosome components C Minor spliceosome specific factors D 55954 ZMAT5; zinc finger matrin-type 5 K13152 ZMAT5; U11/U12 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein 20 kDa protein D 79622 SNRNP25; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein U11/U12 subunit 25 K13153 SNRNP25; U11/U12 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein 25 kDa protein D 85437 ZCRB1; zinc finger CCHC-type and RNA binding motif containing 1 K13154 ZCRB1; U11/U12 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein 31 kDa protein D 11066 SNRNP35; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein U11/U12 subunit 35 K13155 SNRNP35; U11/U12 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein 35 kDa protein D 154007 SNRNP48; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein U11/U12 subunit 48 K13156 SNRNP48; U11/U12 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein 48 kDa protein D 55599 RNPC3; RNA binding region (RNP1, RRM) containing 3 K13157 RNPC3; U11/U12 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein 65 kDa protein C Minor spliceosome associated proteins D 84060 RBM48; RNA binding motif protein 48 K24824 RBM48; RNA-binding protein 48 D 79637 ARMC7; armadillo repeat containing 7 K24825 ARMC7; armadillo repeat-containing protein 7 D 9419 CRIPT; CXXC repeat containing interactor of PDZ3 domain K24826 CRIPT; cysteine-rich PDZ-binding protein D 100534012 TNFAIP8L2-SCNM1; TNFAIP8L2-SCNM1 readthrough K24827 SCNM1; sodium channel modifier 1 D 79005 SCNM1; sodium channel modifier 1 K24827 SCNM1; sodium channel modifier 1 D 23759 PPIL2; peptidylprolyl isomerase like 2 K10598 PPIL2; peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase-like 2 [EC:] D 338657 CENATAC; centrosomal AT-AC splicing factor K26160 CENATAC; centrosomal AT-AC splicing factor B Spliceosome associated proteins (SAPs) C hnRNP proteins D 10949 HNRNPA0; heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A0 K12894 HNRNPA0; heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A0 D 3181 HNRNPA2B1; heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A2/B1 K13158 HNRNPA2B1; heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A2/B1 D 3182 HNRNPAB; heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A/B K13044 HNRNPABD; heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A/B/D D 3184 HNRNPD; heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein D K13044 HNRNPABD; heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A/B/D D 9987 HNRNPDL; heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein D like K13044 HNRNPABD; heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A/B/D D 3191 HNRNPL; heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein L K13159 HNRNPL; heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein L D 92906 HNRNPLL; heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein L like K13159 HNRNPL; heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein L D 10492 SYNCRIP; synaptotagmin binding cytoplasmic RNA interacting protein K13160 SYNCRIP; heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein Q D 5094 PCBP2; poly(rC) binding protein 2 K13162 PCBP2; poly(rC)-binding protein 2 D 339287 MSL1; MSL complex subunit 1 K13163 MSL1; male-specific lethal 1 D 55167 MSL2; MSL complex subunit 2 K13164 MSL2; male-specific lethal 2 C SR proteins D 9295 SRSF11; serine and arginine rich splicing factor 11 K12899 SRSF11; serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 11 D 140890 SREK1; splicing regulatory glutamic acid and lysine rich protein 1 K13165 SREK1; splicing regulatory glutamine/lysine-rich protein 1 D 10147 SUGP2; SURP and G-patch domain containing 2 K13166 SUGP2; SURP and G-patch domain-containing protein 2 D 57466 SCAF4; SR-related CTD associated factor 4 K13167 SCAF4; SR-related and CTD-associated factor 4 D 11129 CLASRP; CLK4 associating serine/arginine rich protein K13168 CLASRP; CLK4-associating serine/arginine rich protein D 8227 AKAP17A; A-kinase anchoring protein 17A K13169 AKAP17; A-kinase anchor protein 17 D 25957 PNISR; PNN interacting serine and arginine rich protein K13170 PNISR; arginine/serine-rich protein PNISR D 135295 SRSF12; serine and arginine rich splicing factor 12 K25101 SRSF12; serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 12 C SR-related proteins D 10250 SRRM1; serine and arginine repetitive matrix 1 K13171 SRRM1; serine/arginine repetitive matrix protein 1 D 23524 SRRM2; serine/arginine repetitive matrix 2 K13172 SRRM2; serine/arginine repetitive matrix protein 2 D 55082 ARGLU1; arginine and glutamate rich 1 K13173 ARGLU1; arginine and glutamate-rich protein 1 D 6651 SON; SON DNA and RNA binding protein K23718 SON; protein SON D 11168 PSIP1; PC4 and SRSF1 interacting protein 1 K25057 PSIP1; PC4 and SFRS1-interacting protein D 286676 ILDR1; immunoglobulin like domain containing receptor 1 K25781 ILDR1; immunoglobulin-like domain-containing receptor 1 D 387597 ILDR2; immunoglobulin like domain containing receptor 2 K25782 ILDR2; immunoglobulin-like domain-containing receptor 2 D 9406 ZRANB2; zinc finger RANBP2-type containing 2 K26076 ZRANB2; zinc finger Ran-binding domain-containing protein 2 C TREX complex D 9984 THOC1; THO complex subunit 1 K12878 THOC1; THO complex subunit 1 D 57187 THOC2; THO complex subunit 2 K12879 THOC2; THO complex subunit 2 D 84321 THOC3; THO complex subunit 3 K12880 THOC3; THO complex subunit 3 D 10189 ALYREF; Aly/REF export factor K12881 THOC4; THO complex subunit 4 D 8563 THOC5; THO complex subunit 5 K13174 THOC5; THO complex subunit 5 D 79228 THOC6; THO complex subunit 6 K13175 THOC6; THO complex subunit 6 D 80145 THOC7; THO complex subunit 7 K13176 THOC7; THO complex subunit 7 D 7919 DDX39B; DExD-box helicase 39B K12812 DDX39B; ATP-dependent RNA helicase UAP56/SUB2 [EC:] C RNA helicase-like proteins D 1653 DDX1; DEAD-box helicase 1 K13177 DDX1; ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX1 [EC:] D 1654 DDX3X; DEAD-box helicase 3 X-linked K11594 DDX3X; ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX3X [EC:] D 8653 DDX3Y; DEAD-box helicase 3 Y-linked K17642 DDX3Y; ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX3Y [EC:] D 10521 DDX17; DEAD-box helicase 17 K13178 DDX17; ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX17 [EC:] D 8886 DDX18; DEAD-box helicase 18 K13179 DDX18; ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX18/HAS1 [EC:] D 55661 DDX27; DEAD-box helicase 27 K13181 DDX27; ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX27 [EC:] D 10212 DDX39A; DExD-box helicase 39A K13182 DDX39; ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX39 [EC:] D 55510 DDX43; DEAD-box helicase 43 K17043 DDX43; ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX43 [EC:] D 79009 DDX50; DExD-box helicase 50 K13183 DDX50; ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX50 [EC:] D 1660 DHX9; DExH-box helicase 9 K13184 DHX9; ATP-dependent RNA/DNA helicase DHX9 [EC:] D 22907 DHX30; DExH-box helicase 30 K13185 DHX30; ATP-dependent RNA helicase DHX30 [EC:] D 55760 DHX32; DEAH-box helicase 32 (putative) K18994 DHX32; pre-mRNA-splicing factor ATP-dependent RNA helicase DHX32 [EC:] D 64848 YTHDC2; YTH N6-methyladenosine RNA binding protein C2 K20099 YTHDC2; ATP-dependent RNA helicase YTHDC2 [EC:] D 165545 DQX1; DEAQ-box RNA dependent ATPase 1 K14433 DQX1; ATP-dependent helicase [EC:5.6.2.-] C RNA binding proteins (RBPs) D 5935 RBM3; RNA binding motif protein 3 K13186 RBM3; RNA-binding protein 3 D 5936 RBM4; RNA binding motif protein 4 K13187 RBM4; RNA-binding protein 4 D 83759 RBM4B; RNA binding motif protein 4B K13187 RBM4; RNA-binding protein 4 D 10179 RBM7; RNA binding motif protein 7 K13188 RBM7; RNA-binding protein 7 D 54033 RBM11; RNA binding motif protein 11 K25005 RBM11; splicing regulator RBM11 D 10137 RBM12; RNA binding motif protein 12 K24526 RBM12; RNA-binding protein 12 D 389677 RBM12B; RNA binding motif protein 12B K24526 RBM12; RNA-binding protein 12 D 10432 RBM14; RNA binding motif protein 14 K13189 RBM14; RNA-binding protein 14 D 29890 RBM15B; RNA binding motif protein 15B K13190 RBM15; RNA-binding protein 15 D 64783 RBM15; RNA binding motif protein 15 K13190 RBM15; RNA-binding protein 15 D 22828 SCAF8; SR-related CTD associated factor 8 K13191 RBM16; RNA-binding protein 16 D 92400 RBM18; RNA binding motif protein 18 K24527 RBM18; RNA-binding protein 18 D 221662 RBM24; RNA binding motif protein 24 K25006 RBM24_38; RNA-binding protein 24/38 D 55544 RBM38; RNA binding motif protein 38 K25006 RBM24_38; RNA-binding protein 24/38 D 64062 RBM26; RNA binding motif protein 26 K13192 RBM26; RNA-binding protein 26 D 127814297 RBM27-POU4F3 K13193 RBM27; RNA-binding protein 27 D 54439 RBM27; RNA binding motif protein 27 K13193 RBM27; RNA-binding protein 27 D 159163 RBMY1F; RNA binding motif protein Y-linked family 1 member F K25090 RBMY1; RNA-binding motif protein, Y chromosome, family 1 D 378948 RBMY1B; RNA binding motif protein Y-linked family 1 member B K25090 RBMY1; RNA-binding motif protein, Y chromosome, family 1 D 378949 RBMY1D; RNA binding motif protein Y-linked family 1 member D K25090 RBMY1; RNA-binding motif protein, Y chromosome, family 1 D 378950 RBMY1E; RNA binding motif protein Y-linked family 1 member E K25090 RBMY1; RNA-binding motif protein, Y chromosome, family 1 D 378951 RBMY1J; RNA binding motif protein Y-linked family 1 member J K25090 RBMY1; RNA-binding motif protein, Y chromosome, family 1 D 5940 RBMY1A1; RNA binding motif protein Y-linked family 1 member A1 K25090 RBMY1; RNA-binding motif protein, Y chromosome, family 1 D 11030 RBPMS; RNA binding protein, mRNA processing factor K25091 RBPMS; RNA-binding protein with multiple splicing D 348093 RBPMS2; RNA binding protein, mRNA processing factor 2 K25091 RBPMS; RNA-binding protein with multiple splicing D 103 ADAR; adenosine deaminase RNA specific K12968 ADAR; double-stranded RNA-specific adenosine deaminase [EC:] D 104 ADARB1; adenosine deaminase RNA specific B1 K13194 ADARB; double stranded RNA-specific editase B [EC:3.5.-.-] D 105 ADARB2; adenosine deaminase RNA specific B2 (inactive) K13194 ADARB; double stranded RNA-specific editase B [EC:3.5.-.-] D 11335 CBX3; chromobox 3 K11586 CBX3; chromobox protein 3 D 1153 CIRBP; cold inducible RNA binding protein K13195 CIRBP; cold-inducible RNA-binding protein D 8531 YBX3; Y-box binding protein 3 K06099 CSDA; cold shock domain protein A D 5977 DPF2; double PHD fingers 2 K13196 DPF2; zinc finger protein ubi-d4 D 10642 IGF2BP1; insulin like growth factor 2 mRNA binding protein 1 K17391 IGF2BP1; insulin-like growth factor 2 mRNA-binding protein 1 D 10643 IGF2BP3; insulin like growth factor 2 mRNA binding protein 3 K13197 IGF2BP3; insulin-like growth factor 2 mRNA-binding protein 3 D 10657 KHDRBS1; KH RNA binding domain containing, signal transduction associated 1 K13198 KHDRBS1; KH domain-containing, RNA-binding, signal transduction-associated protein 1 D 202559 KHDRBS2; KH RNA binding domain containing, signal transduction associated 2 K17843 KHDRBS2; KH domain-containing, RNA-binding, signal transduction-associated protein 2 D 10656 KHDRBS3; KH RNA binding domain containing, signal transduction associated 3 K14942 KHDRBS3; KH domain-containing, RNA-binding, signal transduction-associated protein 3 D 10150 MBNL2; muscleblind like splicing regulator 2 K14943 MBNL; muscleblind D 4154 MBNL1; muscleblind like splicing regulator 1 K14943 MBNL; muscleblind D 55796 MBNL3; muscleblind like splicing regulator 3 K14943 MBNL; muscleblind D 4857 NOVA1; NOVA alternative splicing regulator 1 K14944 NOVA; RNA-binding protein Nova D 4858 NOVA2; NOVA alternative splicing regulator 2 K14944 NOVA; RNA-binding protein Nova D 9444 QKI; QKI, KH domain containing RNA binding K14945 QKI; protein quaking D 146713 RBFOX3; RNA binding fox-1 homolog 3 K14946 RBFOX; RNA binding protein fox-1 D 23543 RBFOX2; RNA binding fox-1 homolog 2 K14946 RBFOX; RNA binding protein fox-1 D 54715 RBFOX1; RNA binding fox-1 homolog 1 K14946 RBFOX; RNA binding protein fox-1 D 26135 SERBP1; SERPINE1 mRNA binding protein 1 K13199 SERBP1; plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 RNA-binding protein D 55342 STRBP; spermatid perinuclear RNA binding protein K13200 STRBP; spermatid perinuclear RNA-binding protein D 7072 TIA1; TIA1 cytotoxic granule associated RNA binding protein K13201 TIA1; nucleolysin TIA-1/TIAR D 7073 TIAL1; TIA1 cytotoxic granule associated RNA binding protein like 1 K13201 TIA1; nucleolysin TIA-1/TIAR D 114034 TOE1; target of EGR1, exonuclease K13202 TOE1; target of EGR1 protein 1 D 23217 ZFR2; zinc finger RNA binding protein 2 K13203 ZFR; zinc finger RNA-binding protein D 51663 ZFR; zinc finger RNA binding protein K13203 ZFR; zinc finger RNA-binding protein D 284695 ZNF326; zinc finger protein 326 K13204 ZNF326; zinc finger protein 326 D 91746 YTHDC1; YTH N6-methyladenosine RNA binding protein C1 K20100 YTHDC1; YTH domain-containing protein 1 D 222698 NKAPL; NFKB activating protein like K25931 NKAP; NF-kappa-B-activating protein D 79576 NKAP; NFKB activating protein K25931 NKAP; NF-kappa-B-activating protein C Other SAPs D 25980 AAR2; AAR2 splicing factor K13205 AAR2; A1 cistron-splicing factor AAR2 D 84081 NSRP1; nuclear speckle splicing regulatory protein 1 K13206 CCDC55; coiled-coil domain-containing protein 55 D 1195 CLK1; CDC like kinase 1 K23561 CLK1_4; dual specificity protein kinase CLK1/4 [EC:] D 57396 CLK4; CDC like kinase 4 K23561 CLK1_4; dual specificity protein kinase CLK1/4 [EC:] D 1196 CLK2; CDC like kinase 2 K08823 CLK2_3; dual specificity protein kinase CLK2/3 [EC:] D 1198 CLK3; CDC like kinase 3 K08823 CLK2_3; dual specificity protein kinase CLK2/3 [EC:] D 10658 CELF1; CUGBP Elav-like family member 1 K13207 CUGBP; CUG-BP- and ETR3-like factor D 10659 CELF2; CUGBP Elav-like family member 2 K13207 CUGBP; CUG-BP- and ETR3-like factor D 11189 CELF3; CUGBP Elav-like family member 3 K13207 CUGBP; CUG-BP- and ETR3-like factor D 56853 CELF4; CUGBP Elav-like family member 4 K13207 CUGBP; CUG-BP- and ETR3-like factor D 60677 CELF6; CUGBP Elav-like family member 6 K13207 CUGBP; CUG-BP- and ETR3-like factor D 60680 CELF5; CUGBP Elav-like family member 5 K13207 CUGBP; CUG-BP- and ETR3-like factor D 9829 DNAJC6; DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C6 K09526 DNAJC6; DnaJ homolog subfamily C member 6 D 22826 DNAJC8; DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C8 K09528 DNAJC8; DnaJ homolog subfamily C member 8 D 23317 DNAJC13; DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C13 K09533 DNAJC13; DnaJ homolog subfamily C member 13 D 1993 ELAVL2; ELAV like RNA binding protein 2 K13208 ELAVL2_3_4; ELAV like protein 2/3/4 D 1995 ELAVL3; ELAV like RNA binding protein 3 K13208 ELAVL2_3_4; ELAV like protein 2/3/4 D 1996 ELAVL4; ELAV like RNA binding protein 4 K13208 ELAVL2_3_4; ELAV like protein 2/3/4 D 54845 ESRP1; epithelial splicing regulatory protein 1 K14947 ESRP1_2; epithelial splicing regulatory protein 1/2 D 80004 ESRP2; epithelial splicing regulatory protein 2 K14947 ESRP1_2; epithelial splicing regulatory protein 1/2 D 2130 EWSR1; EWS RNA binding protein 1 K13209 EWSR1; RNA-binding protein EWS D 8570 KHSRP; KH-type splicing regulatory protein K13210 FUBP; far upstream element-binding protein D 8880 FUBP1; far upstream element binding protein 1 K13210 FUBP; far upstream element-binding protein D 8939 FUBP3; far upstream element binding protein 3 K13210 FUBP; far upstream element-binding protein D 94104 PAXBP1; PAX3 and PAX7 binding protein 1 K13211 GCFC; GC-rich sequence DNA-binding factor D 100996928 FMC1-LUC7L2; FMC1-LUC7L2 readthrough K13212 LUC7L2; RNA-binding protein Luc7-like 2 D 51631 LUC7L2; LUC7 like 2, pre-mRNA splicing factor K13212 LUC7L2; RNA-binding protein Luc7-like 2 D 9782 MATR3; matrin 3 K13213 MATR3; matrin 3 D 4841 NONO; non-POU domain containing octamer binding K13214 NONO; non-POU domain-containing octamer-binding protein D 55269 PSPC1; paraspeckle component 1 K24993 PSPC1; paraspeckle component 1 D 6421 SFPQ; splicing factor proline and glutamine rich K13219 SFPQ; splicing factor, proline- and glutamine-rich D 83714 NRIP2; nuclear receptor interacting protein 2 K13215 NRIP2; nuclear receptor-interacting protein 2 D 5499 PPP1CA; protein phosphatase 1 catalytic subunit alpha K06269 PPP1C; serine/threonine-protein phosphatase PP1 catalytic subunit [EC:] D 5500 PPP1CB; protein phosphatase 1 catalytic subunit beta K06269 PPP1C; serine/threonine-protein phosphatase PP1 catalytic subunit [EC:] D 5501 PPP1CC; protein phosphatase 1 catalytic subunit gamma K06269 PPP1C; serine/threonine-protein phosphatase PP1 catalytic subunit [EC:] D 5511 PPP1R8; protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 8 K13216 PPP1R8; nuclear inhibitor of protein phosphatase 1 [EC:3.1.4.-] D 10419 PRMT5; protein arginine methyltransferase 5 K02516 PRMT5; type II protein arginine methyltransferase [EC:] D 8899 PRP4K; pre-mRNA processing factor kinase PRP4K K08827 PRPF4B; serine/threonine-protein kinase PRP4 [EC:] D 55015 PRPF39; pre-mRNA processing factor 39 K13217 PRPF39; pre-mRNA-processing factor 39 D 125950 RAVER1; ribonucleoprotein, PTB binding 1 K24999 RAVER1; ribonucleoprotein PTB-binding 1 D 5725 PTBP1; polypyrimidine tract binding protein 1 K13218 PTBP1; polypyrimidine tract-binding protein 1 D 58155 PTBP2; polypyrimidine tract binding protein 2 K14948 PTBP2; polypyrimidine tract-binding protein 2 D 9991 PTBP3; polypyrimidine tract binding protein 3 K17844 PTBP3; polypyrimidine tract-binding protein 3 D 6732 SRPK1; SRSF protein kinase 1 K15409 SRPK1; serine/threonine-protein kinase SRPK1 [EC:] D 6733 SRPK2; SRSF protein kinase 2 K08831 SRPK2; serine/threonine-protein kinase SRPK2 [EC:] D 2547 XRCC6; X-ray repair cross complementing 6 K10884 XRCC6; ATP-dependent DNA helicase 2 subunit 1 D 11193 WBP4; WW domain binding protein 4 K13220 WBP4; WW domain-binding protein 4 D 79084 WDR77; WD repeat domain 77 K13221 WDR77; methylosome protein 50 D 57018 CCNL1; cyclin L1 K23966 CCNL; cyclin L D 81669 CCNL2; cyclin L2 K23966 CCNL; cyclin L D 51163 DBR1; debranching RNA lariats 1 K18328 DBR1; lariat debranching enzyme [EC:3.1.-.-] D 55280 CWF19L1; CWF19 like cell cycle control factor 1 K24939 CWF19L1; CWF19-like protein 1 D 143884 CWF19L2; CWF19 like cell cycle control factor 2 K24940 CWF19L2; CWF19-like protein 2 D 6294 SAFB; scaffold attachment factor B K25092 SAFB; scaffold attachment factor B D 9667 SAFB2; scaffold attachment factor B2 K25092 SAFB; scaffold attachment factor B # ASplicing related RNAs B 101447996 RNVU1-8; RNA, variant U1 small nuclear 8 K14276 U1snRNA; U1 spliceosomal RNA B 101954264 RNVU1-4; RNA, variant U1 small nuclear 4 K14276 U1snRNA; U1 spliceosomal RNA B 101954266 RNVU1-14; RNA, variant U1 small nuclear 14 K14276 U1snRNA; U1 spliceosomal RNA B 101954267 RNVU1-15; RNA, variant U1 small nuclear 15 K14276 U1snRNA; U1 spliceosomal RNA B 101954268 RNVU1-20; RNA, variant U1 small nuclear 20 K14276 U1snRNA; U1 spliceosomal RNA B 101954269 RNVU1-17; RNA, variant U1 small nuclear 17 K14276 U1snRNA; U1 spliceosomal RNA B 101954272 RNVU1-3; RNA, variant U1 small nuclear 3 K14276 U1snRNA; U1 spliceosomal RNA B 101954273 RNVU1-1; RNA, variant U1 small nuclear 1 K14276 U1snRNA; U1 spliceosomal RNA B 101954276 RNVU1-6; RNA, variant U1 small nuclear 6 K14276 U1snRNA; U1 spliceosomal RNA B 101954277 RNVU1-19; RNA, variant U1 small nuclear 19 K14276 U1snRNA; U1 spliceosomal RNA B 124903120 U1 spliceosomal RNA K14276 U1snRNA; U1 spliceosomal RNA B 124904122 U1 spliceosomal RNA K14276 U1snRNA; U1 spliceosomal RNA B 124904613 U1 spliceosomal RNA K14276 U1snRNA; U1 spliceosomal RNA B 124904616 RNVU1-28; RNA, variant U1 small nuclear 28 K14276 U1snRNA; U1 spliceosomal RNA B 124904619 RNVU1-31; RNA, variant U1 small nuclear 31 K14276 U1snRNA; U1 spliceosomal RNA B 124904621 RNVU1-27; RNA, variant U1 small nuclear 27 K14276 U1snRNA; U1 spliceosomal RNA B 124904624 RNVU1-26; RNA, variant U1 small nuclear 26 K14276 U1snRNA; U1 spliceosomal RNA B 124904627 RNVU1-30; RNA, variant U1 small nuclear 30 K14276 U1snRNA; U1 spliceosomal RNA B 124904631 U1 spliceosomal RNA K14276 U1snRNA; U1 spliceosomal RNA B 124904634 U1 spliceosomal RNA K14276 U1snRNA; U1 spliceosomal RNA B 124905321 U1 spliceosomal RNA K14276 U1snRNA; U1 spliceosomal RNA B 124905573 U1 spliceosomal RNA K14276 U1snRNA; U1 spliceosomal RNA B 124905574 U1 spliceosomal RNA K14276 U1snRNA; U1 spliceosomal RNA B 124905809 U1 spliceosomal RNA K14276 U1snRNA; U1 spliceosomal RNA B 26863 RNVU1-18; RNA, variant U1 small nuclear 18 K14276 U1snRNA; U1 spliceosomal RNA B 26864 RNVU1-7; RNA, variant U1 small nuclear 7 K14276 U1snRNA; U1 spliceosomal RNA B 26869 RNU1-3; RNA, U1 small nuclear 3 K14276 U1snRNA; U1 spliceosomal RNA B 26870 RNU1-2; RNA, U1 small nuclear 2 K14276 U1snRNA; U1 spliceosomal RNA B 26871 RNU1-1; RNA, U1 small nuclear 1 K14276 U1snRNA; U1 spliceosomal RNA B 6060 RNU1-4; RNA, U1 small nuclear 4 K14276 U1snRNA; U1 spliceosomal RNA B 6063 RNVU1-2A; RNA, variant U1 small nuclear 2A K14276 U1snRNA; U1 spliceosomal RNA B 124900915 U2 spliceosomal RNA K14277 U2snRNA; U2 spliceosomal RNA B 124901219 U2 spliceosomal RNA K14277 U2snRNA; U2 spliceosomal RNA B 124904135 U2 spliceosomal RNA K14277 U2snRNA; U2 spliceosomal RNA B 124904136 U2 spliceosomal RNA K14277 U2snRNA; U2 spliceosomal RNA B 124904137 U2 spliceosomal RNA K14277 U2snRNA; U2 spliceosomal RNA B 124904138 U2 spliceosomal RNA K14277 U2snRNA; U2 spliceosomal RNA B 124904139 U2 spliceosomal RNA K14277 U2snRNA; U2 spliceosomal RNA B 124904140 U2 spliceosomal RNA K14277 U2snRNA; U2 spliceosomal RNA B 124904141 U2 spliceosomal RNA K14277 U2snRNA; U2 spliceosomal RNA B 124904142 U2 spliceosomal RNA K14277 U2snRNA; U2 spliceosomal RNA B 124904143 U2 spliceosomal RNA K14277 U2snRNA; U2 spliceosomal RNA B 124904144 U2 spliceosomal RNA K14277 U2snRNA; U2 spliceosomal RNA B 124904145 U2 spliceosomal RNA K14277 U2snRNA; U2 spliceosomal RNA B 124904146 U2 spliceosomal RNA K14277 U2snRNA; U2 spliceosomal RNA B 124904147 U2 spliceosomal RNA K14277 U2snRNA; U2 spliceosomal RNA B 124904651 U2 spliceosomal RNA K14277 U2snRNA; U2 spliceosomal RNA B 124905062 U2 spliceosomal RNA K14277 U2snRNA; U2 spliceosomal RNA B 124907963 U2 spliceosomal RNA K14277 U2snRNA; U2 spliceosomal RNA B 124907964 U2 spliceosomal RNA K14277 U2snRNA; U2 spliceosomal RNA B 124907965 U2 spliceosomal RNA K14277 U2snRNA; U2 spliceosomal RNA B 6066 RNU2-1; RNA, U2 small nuclear 1 K14277 U2snRNA; U2 spliceosomal RNA B 124900516 U4 spliceosomal RNA K14278 U4snRNA; U4 spliceosomal RNA B 124901224 U4 spliceosomal RNA K14278 U4snRNA; U4 spliceosomal RNA B 124901863 U4 spliceosomal RNA K14278 U4snRNA; U4 spliceosomal RNA B 26834 RNU4-2; RNA, U4 small nuclear 2 K14278 U4snRNA; U4 spliceosomal RNA B 26835 RNU4-1; RNA, U4 small nuclear 1 K14278 U4snRNA; U4 spliceosomal RNA B 26828 RNU5F-1; RNA, U5F small nuclear 1 K14279 U5snRNA; U5 spliceosomal RNA B 26829 RNU5E-1; RNA, U5E small nuclear 1 K14279 U5snRNA; U5 spliceosomal RNA B 26830 RNU5D-1; RNA, U5D small nuclear 1 K14279 U5snRNA; U5 spliceosomal RNA B 26831 RNU5A-1; RNA, U5A small nuclear 1 K14279 U5snRNA; U5 spliceosomal RNA B 26832 RNU5B-1; RNA, U5B small nuclear 1 K14279 U5snRNA; U5 spliceosomal RNA B 101954271 RNU6-9; RNA, U6 small nuclear 9 K14280 U6snRNA; U6 spliceosomal RNA B 101954275 RNU6-7; RNA, U6 small nuclear 7 K14280 U6snRNA; U6 spliceosomal RNA B 101954278 RNU6-8; RNA, U6 small nuclear 8 K14280 U6snRNA; U6 spliceosomal RNA B 103625684 RNU6-2; RNA, U6 small nuclear 2 K14280 U6snRNA; U6 spliceosomal RNA B 124900488 U6 spliceosomal RNA K14280 U6snRNA; U6 spliceosomal RNA B 124900632 U6 spliceosomal RNA K14280 U6snRNA; U6 spliceosomal RNA B 124900883 U6 spliceosomal RNA K14280 U6snRNA; U6 spliceosomal RNA B 124900887 U6 spliceosomal RNA K14280 U6snRNA; U6 spliceosomal RNA B 124901516 U6 spliceosomal RNA K14280 U6snRNA; U6 spliceosomal RNA B 124902331 U6 spliceosomal RNA K14280 U6snRNA; U6 spliceosomal RNA B 124902335 U6 spliceosomal RNA K14280 U6snRNA; U6 spliceosomal RNA B 124903414 U6 spliceosomal RNA K14280 U6snRNA; U6 spliceosomal RNA B 124904107 U6 spliceosomal RNA K14280 U6snRNA; U6 spliceosomal RNA B 124904109 U6 spliceosomal RNA K14280 U6snRNA; U6 spliceosomal RNA B 124904694 U6 spliceosomal RNA K14280 U6snRNA; U6 spliceosomal RNA B 124904727 U6 spliceosomal RNA K14280 U6snRNA; U6 spliceosomal RNA B 124904986 U6 spliceosomal RNA K14280 U6snRNA; U6 spliceosomal RNA B 124905264 U6 spliceosomal RNA K14280 U6snRNA; U6 spliceosomal RNA B 124905326 U6 spliceosomal RNA K14280 U6snRNA; U6 spliceosomal RNA B 124907960 U6 spliceosomal RNA K14280 U6snRNA; U6 spliceosomal RNA B 124907961 U6 spliceosomal RNA K14280 U6snRNA; U6 spliceosomal RNA B 124908124 U6 spliceosomal RNA K14280 U6snRNA; U6 spliceosomal RNA B 26827 RNU6-1; RNA, U6 small nuclear 1 K14280 U6snRNA; U6 spliceosomal RNA B 100151683 RNU4ATAC; RNA, U4atac small nuclear K26388 RNU4ATAC; U4 atac small nuclear RNA B 100151684 RNU6ATAC; RNA, U6atac small nuclear K26387 RNU6ATAC; U6atac small nuclear RNA B 692076 SNORD7; small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 7 K27200 SNORD7; small nucleolar RNA SNORD7 B 319103 SNORD8; small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 8 K27201 SNORD8_9; small nucleolar RNA SNORD8/9 B 692053 SNORD9; small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 9 K27201 SNORD8_9; small nucleolar RNA SNORD8/9 B 652966 SNORD10; small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 10 K27206 SNORD10; small nucleolar RNA SNORD10 B 100033437 SNORD115-2; small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 115-2 K26386 SNORD115; small nucleolar RNA SNORD115 B 100033440 SNORD115-3; small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 115-3 K26386 SNORD115; small nucleolar RNA SNORD115 B 100033441 SNORD115-4; small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 115-4 K26386 SNORD115; small nucleolar RNA SNORD115 B 100033442 SNORD115-5; small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 115-5 K26386 SNORD115; small nucleolar RNA SNORD115 B 100033443 SNORD115-6; small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 115-6 K26386 SNORD115; small nucleolar RNA SNORD115 B 100033444 SNORD115-7; small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 115-7 K26386 SNORD115; small nucleolar RNA SNORD115 B 100033445 SNORD115-8; small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 115-8 K26386 SNORD115; small nucleolar RNA SNORD115 B 100033446 SNORD115-9; small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 115-9 K26386 SNORD115; small nucleolar RNA SNORD115 B 100033447 SNORD115-10; small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 115-10 K26386 SNORD115; small nucleolar RNA SNORD115 B 100033448 SNORD115-11; small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 115-11 K26386 SNORD115; small nucleolar RNA SNORD115 B 100033449 SNORD115-12; small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 115-12 K26386 SNORD115; small nucleolar RNA SNORD115 B 100033450 SNORD115-13; small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 115-13 K26386 SNORD115; small nucleolar RNA SNORD115 B 100033451 SNORD115-14; small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 115-14 K26386 SNORD115; small nucleolar RNA SNORD115 B 100033453 SNORD115-15; small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 115-15 K26386 SNORD115; small nucleolar RNA SNORD115 B 100033454 SNORD115-16; small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 115-16 K26386 SNORD115; small nucleolar RNA SNORD115 B 100033455 SNORD115-17; small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 115-17 K26386 SNORD115; small nucleolar RNA SNORD115 B 100033456 SNORD115-18; small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 115-18 K26386 SNORD115; small nucleolar RNA SNORD115 B 100033458 SNORD115-19; small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 115-19 K26386 SNORD115; small nucleolar RNA SNORD115 B 100033460 SNORD115-20; small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 115-20 K26386 SNORD115; small nucleolar RNA SNORD115 B 100033603 SNORD115-21; small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 115-21 K26386 SNORD115; small nucleolar RNA SNORD115 B 100033799 SNORD115-22; small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 115-22 K26386 SNORD115; small nucleolar RNA SNORD115 B 100033800 SNORD115-23; small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 115-23 K26386 SNORD115; small nucleolar RNA SNORD115 B 100033801 SNORD115-25; small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 115-25 K26386 SNORD115; small nucleolar RNA SNORD115 B 100033802 SNORD115-26; small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 115-26 K26386 SNORD115; small nucleolar RNA SNORD115 B 100033803 SNORD115-29; small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 115-29 K26386 SNORD115; small nucleolar RNA SNORD115 B 100033804 SNORD115-30; small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 115-30 K26386 SNORD115; small nucleolar RNA SNORD115 B 100033805 SNORD115-31; small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 115-31 K26386 SNORD115; small nucleolar RNA SNORD115 B 100033806 SNORD115-32; small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 115-32 K26386 SNORD115; small nucleolar RNA SNORD115 B 100033807 SNORD115-33; small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 115-33 K26386 SNORD115; small nucleolar RNA SNORD115 B 100033808 SNORD115-34; small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 115-34 K26386 SNORD115; small nucleolar RNA SNORD115 B 100033809 SNORD115-35; small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 115-35 K26386 SNORD115; small nucleolar RNA SNORD115 B 100033810 SNORD115-36; small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 115-36 K26386 SNORD115; small nucleolar RNA SNORD115 B 100033811 SNORD115-37; small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 115-37 K26386 SNORD115; small nucleolar RNA SNORD115 B 100033812 SNORD115-38; small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 115-38 K26386 SNORD115; small nucleolar RNA SNORD115 B 100033813 SNORD115-39; small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 115-39 K26386 SNORD115; small nucleolar RNA SNORD115 B 100033814 SNORD115-40; small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 115-40 K26386 SNORD115; small nucleolar RNA SNORD115 B 100033815 SNORD115-41; small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 115-41 K26386 SNORD115; small nucleolar RNA SNORD115 B 100033816 SNORD115-42; small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 115-42 K26386 SNORD115; small nucleolar RNA SNORD115 B 100033817 SNORD115-43; small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 115-43 K26386 SNORD115; small nucleolar RNA SNORD115 B 100033818 SNORD115-44; small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 115-44 K26386 SNORD115; small nucleolar RNA SNORD115 B 100033822 SNORD115-48; small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 115-48 K26386 SNORD115; small nucleolar RNA SNORD115 B 100036563 SNORD115-24; small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 115-24 K26386 SNORD115; small nucleolar RNA SNORD115 B 100036564 SNORD115-27; small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 115-27 K26386 SNORD115; small nucleolar RNA SNORD115 B 100036565 SNORD115-28; small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 115-28 K26386 SNORD115; small nucleolar RNA SNORD115 B 100036566 SNORD115-45; small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 115-45 K26386 SNORD115; small nucleolar RNA SNORD115 B 100036567 SNORD115-47; small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 115-47 K26386 SNORD115; small nucleolar RNA SNORD115 B 100873857 SNORD115-46; small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 115-46 K26386 SNORD115; small nucleolar RNA SNORD115 B 338433 SNORD115-1; small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 115-1 K26386 SNORD115; small nucleolar RNA SNORD115 B 677774 SCARNA1; small Cajal body-specific RNA 1 K27152 SCARNA1; small Cajal body-specific RNA 1 B 677766 SCARNA2; small Cajal body-specific RNA 2 K27161 SCARNA2; small Cajal body-specific RNA 2 B 124900527 small Cajal body-specific RNA 4 K27153 SCARNA4; small Cajal body-specific RNA 4 B 677771 SCARNA4; small Cajal body-specific RNA 4 K27153 SCARNA4; small Cajal body-specific RNA 4 B 124900577 small Cajal body-specific RNA 6 K27154 SCARNA6; small Cajal body-specific RNA 6 B 677772 SCARNA6; small Cajal body-specific RNA 6 K27154 SCARNA6; small Cajal body-specific RNA 6 B 677775 SCARNA5; small Cajal body-specific RNA 5 K27154 SCARNA6; small Cajal body-specific RNA 6 B 677767 SCARNA7; small Cajal body-specific RNA 7 K27166 SCARNA7; small Cajal body-specific RNA 7 B 677776 SCARNA8; small Cajal body-specific RNA 8 K27167 SCARNA8; small Cajal body-specific RNA 8 B 100158262 SCARNA9L; small Cajal body-specific RNA 9 like K27168 SCARNA9; small Cajal body-specific RNA 9 B 619383 SCARNA9; small Cajal body-specific RNA 9 K27168 SCARNA9; small Cajal body-specific RNA 9 B 692148 SCARNA10; small Cajal body-specific RNA 10 K27155 SCARNA10; small Cajal body-specific RNA 10 B 124900313 small Cajal body-specific RNA 11 K27156 SCARNA11; small Cajal body-specific RNA 11 B 124900334 small Cajal body-specific RNA 11 K27156 SCARNA11; small Cajal body-specific RNA 11 B 124900446 small Cajal body-specific RNA 11 K27156 SCARNA11; small Cajal body-specific RNA 11 B 677780 SCARNA11; small Cajal body-specific RNA 11 K27156 SCARNA11; small Cajal body-specific RNA 11 B 677777 SCARNA12; small Cajal body-specific RNA 12 K27157 SCARNA12; small Cajal body-specific RNA 12 B 677768 SCARNA13; small Cajal body-specific RNA 13 K27169 SCARNA13; small Cajal body-specific RNA 13 B 692149 SCARNA14; small Cajal body-specific RNA 14 K27170 SCARNA14; small Cajal body-specific RNA 14 B 124900224 small Cajal body-specific RNA 15 K27158 SCARNA15; small Cajal body-specific RNA 15 B 124900461 small Cajal body-specific RNA 15 K27158 SCARNA15; small Cajal body-specific RNA 15 B 677778 SCARNA15; small Cajal body-specific RNA 15 K27158 SCARNA15; small Cajal body-specific RNA 15 B 124900440 small Cajal body-specific RNA 16 K27159 SCARNA16; small Cajal body-specific RNA 16 B 124900441 small Cajal body-specific RNA 16 K27159 SCARNA16; small Cajal body-specific RNA 16 B 124900528 small Cajal body-specific RNA 16 K27159 SCARNA16; small Cajal body-specific RNA 16 B 124900529 small Cajal body-specific RNA 16 K27159 SCARNA16; 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small Cajal body-specific RNA 24 B 124904809 small Cajal body-specific RNA 24 K27160 SCARNA24; small Cajal body-specific RNA 24 B 677773 SCARNA23; small Cajal body-specific RNA 23 K27160 SCARNA24; small Cajal body-specific RNA 24 ! #
#Last updated: November 13, 2024