KEGG Orthology (KO) [BR:ko00001]
09120 Genetic Information Processing
09122 Translation
03015 mRNA surveillance pathway
K11124 SMG6, EST1A; protein SMG6
09180 Brite Hierarchies
09182 Protein families: genetic information processing
03019 Messenger RNA biogenesis
K11124 SMG6, EST1A; protein SMG6
03032 DNA replication proteins
K11124 SMG6, EST1A; protein SMG6
Messenger RNA biogenesis [BR:ko03019]
Eukaryotic type
mRNA surveillance and transport factors
Surveillance factors
Other surveillance factors
K11124 SMG6, EST1A; protein SMG6
mRNA cycle factors
Common to processing body (P body) and stress granule
K11124 SMG6, EST1A; protein SMG6
DNA replication proteins [BR:ko03032]
Eukaryotic type
DNA Replication Termination Factors
Telomerase complex (animals)
K11124 SMG6, EST1A; protein SMG6