Entry |
Symbol |
Name |
geranyl diphosphate diphosphatase [EC:]
Pathway |
map01110 | Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites |
Reaction |
R08396 | geranyl-diphosphate diphosphohydrolase |
Brite |
KEGG Orthology (KO) [BR:ko00001]
09100 Metabolism
09109 Metabolism of terpenoids and polyketides
00902 Monoterpenoid biosynthesis
K20979 GES; geranyl diphosphate diphosphatase
Enzymes [BR:ko01000]
3. Hydrolases
3.1 Acting on ester bonds
3.1.7 Diphosphoric-monoester hydrolases geranyl diphosphate diphosphatase
K20979 GES; geranyl diphosphate diphosphatase
Genes |
Reference |
Authors |
Iijima Y, Gang DR, Fridman E, Lewinsohn E, Pichersky E |
Title |
Characterization of geraniol synthase from the peltate glands of sweet basil. |
Journal |
Sequence |
Reference |
Authors |
Yang T, Li J, Wang HX, Zeng Y |
Title |
A geraniol-synthase gene from Cinnamomum tenuipilum. |
Journal |
Sequence |