
KNApSAcK Entry

Organism name Ephedra distachya L.
Genus Ephedra
Family Ephedraceae
Kingdom Plantae

NCBI taxonomy


Linked NCBI taxonomy name Ephedra distachya
Linked NCBI taxonomy ID 3389
Linked level species


Family in NCBI taxonomy Ephedraceae
ID 3386

Kingdom (Superkingdom)

Kingdom (Superkingdom) in NCBI taxonomy Viridiplantae
ID 33090

Plant class

Plant class Spermatophyta
ID 58024

Metabolite list (2)

KNApSAcK ID name ChEMBL link CTD link # of proteins in
ChEMBL interaction
/ related OMIM
/ related KEGG DISEASE
# of genes in
CTD interaction
/ related diseases
C00031097 External link 512 Pseudoephedrine
/ trans-Ephedrine
/ (+)-Pseudoephedrine
13 / 12 / 10 0 / 50 No. 2149 No. 9
C00032016 External link 512 Methylephedrine
/ N-Methylephedrine
/ (-)-Methylephedrine
3 / 0 / 0 No. 2149 No. 9

Human Protein / Gene in interactions

16 ChEMBL Protein in interactions

accession description class description KNApSAcK metabolite in interactions # of diseases
P10635 Cytochrome P450 2D6 Cytochrome P450 2D6 C00031097 1 / 0
P14618 Pyruvate kinase PKM Enzyme C00031097 0 / 0
P16473 Thyrotropin receptor Glycohormone receptor C00031097 3 / 2
P11712 Cytochrome P450 2C9 Cytochrome P450 2C9 C00031097 0 / 1
O15296 Arachidonate 15-lipoxygenase B Enzyme C00031097 0 / 0
P00352 Retinal dehydrogenase 1 Enzyme C00032016 0 / 0
P06280 Alpha-galactosidase A Enzyme C00031097 1 / 1
P18054 Arachidonate 12-lipoxygenase, 12S-type Enzyme C00031097 2 / 0
Q99714 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase type-2 Enzyme C00031097 3 / 3
P19838 Nuclear factor NF-kappa-B p105 subunit Transcription Factor C00031097 0 / 0
P16050 Arachidonate 15-lipoxygenase Enzyme C00031097 0 / 0
P33261 Cytochrome P450 2C19 Cytochrome P450 2C19 C00031097 1 / 1
P08684 Cytochrome P450 3A4 Cytochrome P450 3A4 C00031097 0 / 1
B2RXH2 Lysine-specific demethylase 4E Enzyme C00032016 0 / 0
P40225 Thrombopoietin Unclassified protein C00031097 1 / 1
Q96KQ7 Histone-lysine N-methyltransferase EHMT2 Enzyme C00032016 0 / 0

Related Diseases

Diseases related to proteins in ChEMBL interactions

OMIM (12)

OMIM preferred title UniProt
#300438 17-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase x deficiency Q99714
#114500 Colorectal cancer; crc P18054
#609535 Drug metabolism, poor, cyp2c19-related P33261
#608902 Drug metabolism, poor, cyp2d6-related P10635
#133239 Esophageal cancer P18054
#301500 Fabry disease P06280
#603373 Hyperthyroidism, familial gestational P16473
#609152 Hyperthyroidism, nonautoimmune P16473
#275200 Hypothyroidism, congenital, nongoitrous, 1; chng1 P16473
#300705 Mental retardation, x-linked 17; mrx17 Q99714
#300220 Mental retardation, x-linked, syndromic 10; mrxs10 Q99714
#187950 Thrombocythemia 1; thcyt1 P40225


KEGG name UniProt
H00125 Fabry disease P06280 (related)
H00036 Osteosarcoma P08684 (marker)
H01205 Coumarin resistance P11712 (related)
H00250 Congenital nongoitrous hypothyroidism (CHNG) P16473 (related)
H01269 Congenital hyperthyroidism P16473 (related)
H01171 Poor drug metabolism (PM) P33261 (related)
H00227 Congenital amegakaryocytic thrombocytopenia (CAMT) P40225 (marker)
H00480 Non-syndromic X-linked mental retardation Q99714 (related)
H00658 Syndromic X-linked mental retardation Q99714 (related)
H00925 2-Methyl-3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA dehydrogenase (MHBD) deficiency Q99714 (related)

Diseases related to CTD interactions

50 disease in interactions with metabolites

D054058 Acute Coronary Syndrome C00031097
D058186 Acute Kidney Injury C00031097
D000787 Angina Pectoris C00031097
D000799 Angioedema C00031097
D001146 Arrhythmia, Sinus C00031097
D001259 Ataxia C00031097
D001714 Bipolar Disorder C00031097
D001929 Brain Edema C00031097
D009202 Cardiomyopathies C00031097
D002543 Cerebral Hemorrhage C00031097
D017091 Colitis, Ischemic C00031097
D003139 Common Cold C00031097
D003329 Coronary Vasospasm C00031097
D003873 Dermatitis, Exfoliative C00031097
D006970 Disorders of Excessive Somnolence C00031097
D004244 Dizziness C00031097
D004342 Drug Hypersensitivity C00031097
D062787 Drug Overdose C00031097
D006261 Headache C00031097
D006333 Heart Failure C00031097
D006967 Hypersensitivity C00031097
D006973 Hypertension C00031097
D020343 Hypertensive Encephalopathy C00031097
D007251 Influenza, Human C00031097
D053609 Lethargy C00031097
D009203 Myocardial Infarction C00031097
D009207 Myoclonus C00031097
D009668 Nose Diseases C00031097
D010554 Personality Disorders C00031097
D010612 Pharyngitis C00031097
D011605 Psychoses, Substance-Induced C00031097
D011644 Puerperal Disorders C00031097
D012220 Rhinitis C00031097
D012221 Rhinitis, Allergic, Perennial C00031097
D006255 Rhinitis, Allergic, Seasonal C00031097
D012640 Seizures C00031097
D012852 Sinusitis C00031097
D020521 Stroke C00031097
D013575 Syncope C00031097
D013614 Tachycardia, Paroxysmal C00031097
D013617 Tachycardia, Supraventricular C00031097
D017180 Tachycardia, Ventricular C00031097
D014202 Tremor C00031097
D014545 Urinary Calculi C00031097
D016055 Urinary Retention C00031097
D052878 Urolithiasis C00031097
D014581 Urticaria C00031097
D018879 Ventricular Premature Complexes C00031097
D014839 Vomiting C00031097
D014987 Xerostomia C00031097