KEGG icon

KEGG Color Codes

Database category (see: KEGG overview)
KEGG top keggtop #f5e05f       #ffefaf
kegg3 #005050       #e0f0e0
KEGG ORTHOLOGY kegg4 #663300       #f2e9b6
kegg1 #660033       #f0e0e4
KEGG LIGAND kegg2 #003366       #d4e4f0
KEGG MEDICUS kegg5 #440066       #e4ddf8
GenomeNet gntop #000066       #ccccff

Functional category (used in global pathway maps and genome maps)
09101 Carbohydrate metabolism      #0000ee
09102 Energy metabolism      #9933cc
09103 Lipid metabolism      #009999
09104 Nucleotide metabolism      #ff0000
09105 Amino acid metabolism      #ff9933
09106 Metabolism of other amino acids      #ff6600
09107 Glycan biosynthesis and metabolism      #3399ff
09108 Metabolism of cofactors and vitamins      #ff6699
09109 Metabolism of terpenoids and polyketides      #00cc33
09110 Biosynthesis of other secondary metabolites      #cc3366
09111 Xenobiotics biodegradation and metabolism      #ccaa99
09120 Genetic information processing      #ffcccc
09130 Environmental information processing      #ffff00
09140 Cellular processes      #99cc66
09150 Organismal systems      #99cc66
09160 Human diseases      #99cc66
09181 Protein families: metabolism      #ccffff
09182 Protein families: genetic information processing      #ffcccc
09183 Protein families: signaling and cellular processes      #99cc66
09191 Unclassified: metabolism      #ccffff
09192 Unclassified: genetic information processing      #ffcccc
09193 Unclassified: signaling and cellular processes      #99cc66

Organism-specific pathway      #bfffbf▬▬#66cc66
Reference pathway (KO, EC, Reaction)      #bfbfff▬▬#6666cc
KEGG module      #ffbfbf▬▬#cc6666
Reaction module      #00ccff▬▬#0099ff
Disease gene      #ffcfff▬▬#ff99ff
Drug target      #cfefff▬▬#66cccc
Disease gene & drug target      #ffcfff▬▬#6666cc

Pathway mapping of two organisms in 3-color mode
global/overview mapsregular maps
Organism 1      #00cc33      #bfffbf
Organism 2      #ff3366      #ffbbcc
Organisms 1 and 2      #3366ff      #bbccff

Pathway mapping of multiple organisms in split color mode
Organism 1      #bfffbf
Organism 2      #ffbbcc
Organism 3      #bbccff
Organism 4      #cfffcf
Organism 5      #ffcfef
Organism 6      #cfefff
Organism 7      #dfefcf
Organism 8      #ffefcc
Organism 9      #dfccff
Organism 10      #dfdfcc

Ortholog table and SSDB gene cluster table
Cluster 1      #ffefcc
Cluster 2      #ffcfef
Cluster 3      #dfefcf
Cluster 4      #cfefff
Cluster 5      #dfcccc
Cluster 6      #dfccff
Cluster 7      #ffcccc
Cluster 8      #bbccff
Cluster 9      #dfdfcc
Cluster 10      #ffff00
Cluster 11      #ffc0cb

Dendrogram coloring
Cluster 1      #ffefcc
Cluster 2      #ffcfef
Cluster 3      #dfefcf
Cluster 4      #cfefff
Cluster 5      #dfcccc
Cluster 6      #dfccff
Cluster 7      #ffdab9
Cluster 8      #bbccff
Cluster 9      #dfdfcc
Cluster 10      #ffff00
Cluster 11      #eea9b8
Cluster 12      #bfffbf
Cluster 13      #bfefff
Cluster 14      #8fbc8f
Cluster 15      #f5deb3
Cluster 16      #dda0dd
Cluster 17      #ffbbff
Cluster 18      #b0e2ff
Cluster 19      #f0e68c
Cluster 20      #66cdaa
Cluster 21      #8ee5ee
Cluster 22      #ffd700

Cancer types (network variation maps)
  #0000ffH00020 Colorectal cancer
  #6666ffH00018 Gastric cancer
  #9999ffH00019 Pancreatic cancer
  #6699ffH00048 Hepatocellular carcinoma
  #0099ffH00021 Renal cell carcinoma
  #00ccffH00022 Bladder cancer
  #00ff00H00014 Non-small cell lung cancer
  #00cc00H00013 Small cell lung cancer
  #cc9999H00038 Melanoma
  #996666Basal cell carcinoma
  #993333H00041 Kaposi's sarcoma; H00035 Ewing's sarcoma; H00053 Extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma; H00049 Myxoid liposarcoma; H00037 Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma; H00050 Synovial sarcoma; H00051 Alveolar soft part sarcoma; H00052 Clear cell sarcoma of soft tissue; H01985 Desmoplastic small round cell tumor
  #ff1493H00031 Breast cancer
  #ffc0cbH00026 Endometrial cancer
  #ffb6c1H00030 Cervical cancer
  #00ffffH00024 Prostate cancer
  #ffff00H00042 Glioma; H00043 Neuroblastoma
  #cccc00H00032 Thyroid cancer
  #ff0000H00003 Acute myeloid leukemia
  #ff6666H00004 Chronic myeloid leukemia
  #cc3333H00007 Hodgkin lymphoma; H00008 Burkitt lymphoma; H00001 B lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma; H00002 T lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma; H00010 Multiple myeloma; H00009 Adult T-cell leukemia
  #999999H00054 Nasopharyngeal cancer

Last updated: July 1, 2024
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