Functional Hierarchies
KEGG BRITE is a collection of hierarchical classification systems capturing functional hierarchies of various biological objects, especially those represented as KEGG objects. They are represented as BRITE hierarchy files, also called hierarchical text (htext) files, which are supplemented by BRITE table files using html tables. BRITE hierarchy files may be associated with binary relation files containing various attributes of KEGG objects. The BRITE browser allows selection of such binary relations shown in the left panel for display as additional columns in the hierarchy. BRITE table files focus more on such multi-column attributes rather than hierarchy relationships. In comparison to KEGG PATHWAY, which is limited to molecular interactions and reactions, KEGG BRITE incorporates many different types of relationships including:
The brite hierarchy viewer linked from this page is a part of KEGG Web Apps and contains features of KEGG mapping.
Brite Identifiers
Each brite hierarchy/table is identified by the combination of 2-4 letter prefix code and 5 digit number (see KEGG Identifier). The prefix has the following meaning:
- br
- non-gene/protein reference hierarchy or table
- jp
- non-gene/protein reference hierarchy or table in Japanese
- ko
- gene/protein reference hiearchy for KO expansion
- <org>
- organism-specific hierarchy generated by converting KOs to gene identifiers
Pathway and Brite
- 08901
- KEGG パスウェイマップ
- 08902
- BRITE 階層ファイル (英語ファイル)
- 08903
- BRITE 階層ファイル (日本語ファイル)
- 08904
- BRITE テーブルファイル (英語ファイル)
- 08905
- BRITE テーブルファイル (日本語ファイル)
- 08906
- BRITE binary relation files
- 08907
- KEGG ネットワークバリエーションマップ
- 08908
- Taxonomy ファイル
1. Genes and Proteins
1.1 Orthologs and modules (K/M nubmers)- 00001
- KEGG Orthology (KO)
- 00002
- KEGG modules
- 00003
- KEGG reaction modules
- 01000
- Enzymes
- 01001
- Protein kinases
- 01009
- Protein phosphatases and associated proteins
- 01002
- Peptidases and inhibitors
- 01003
- Glycosyltransferases
- 01005
- Lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis proteins
- 01011
- Peptidoglycan biosynthesis and degradation proteins
- 01004
- Lipid biosynthesis proteins
- 01008
- Polyketide biosynthesis proteins
- 01006
- Prenyltransferases
- 01007
- Amino acid related enzymes
- 00199
- Cytochrome P450
- 00194
- Photosynthesis proteins
- 03000
- Transcription factors
- 03021
- Transcription machinery
- 03019
- Messenger RNA biogenesis
- 03041
- Spliceosome
- 03011
- Ribosome
- 03009
- Ribosome biogenesis
- 03016
- Transfer RNA biogenesis
- 03012
- Translation factors
- 03110
- Chaperones and folding catalysts
- 04131
- Membrane trafficking
- 04121
- Ubiquitin system
- 03051
- Proteasome
- 03032
- DNA replication proteins
- 03036
- Chromosome and associated proteins
- 03400
- DNA repair and recombination proteins
- 03029
- Mitochondrial biogenesis
- 02000
- Transporters
- 02044
- Secretion system
- 02042
- Bacterial toxins
- 02022
- Two-component system
- 02035
- Bacterial motility proteins
- 03037
- Cilium and associated proteins
- 04812
- Cytoskeleton proteins
- 04147
- Exosome
- 02048
- Prokaryotic defense system
- 04030
- G protein-coupled receptors
- 04050
- Cytokine receptors
- 04054
- Pattern recognition receptors
- 03310
- Nuclear receptors
- 04040
- Ion channels
- 04031
- GTP-binding proteins
- 04052
- Cytokines and neuropeptides
- 04515
- Cell adhesion molecules
- 04090
- CD molecules
- 01504
- Antimicrobial resistance genes
- 03200
- Viral proteins
- 03210
- Viral fusion proteins
- 03220
- (table) Virus entry
- 03222
- (table) Virus entry: animal viruses
- 03223
- (table) Viral network perturbations
- 03100
- Non-coding RNAs
- 01610
- (table) Ribosomal proteins
- 01611
- (table) RNA polymerases
- 01612
- (table) DNA polymerases
- 01613
- (table) Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases
- 01601
- (table) Enzymes of 2-oxocarboxylic acid metabolism
- 01602
- (table) Dioxygenases
- 01600
- (table) Antimicrobial resistance: KEGG signatures
- 01620
- (table) Photosynthetic and chemosynthetic capacities
- 01553
- (table) Antimicrobial resistance: beta-lactamase genes
- 01554
- (table) Antimicrobial resistance: aminoglycoside resistance genes
- 01556
- (table) Antimicrobial resistance: tetracycline resistance genes
- 01555
- (table) Antimicrobial resistance: macrolide resistance genes
- 01557
- (table) Antimicrobial resistance: other resistance genes
- 01800
- (table) Sequence data for EC numbers
- 01810
- (table) Sequence data for CYP nomenclature
2. Compounds and Reactions
2.1 Compounds (C numbers)- 08001
- 生体物質
- 08002
- Lipids
- 08003
- Phytochemical compounds
- 08005
- Bioactive peptides
- 08006
- 内分泌攪乱物質
- 08007
- 農薬
- 08009
- 自然毒
- 08011
- (table) Secondary metabolites in pathway maps
- 08020
- (table) Nucleotide sugars
- 08021
- Glycosides
- 08012
- (table) Dietary phytochemicals
- 08110
- (table) Blood groups and carbohydrate antigens
- 08111
- (table) Glycan epitopes New!
- 08120
- O-antigens
- 08201
- Enzymatic reactions
- 08202
- IUBMB reaction hierarchy
- 08204
- Reaction class
- 08203
- Glycosyltransferase reactions
- 08210
- (table) Overall reactions
3. Drugs
3.1 Drug classifications (D numbers)- 08301
- 医療用医薬品の薬効分類
- 08303
- 医療用医薬品のATC分類
- 08302
- 医療用医薬品のUSP分類
- 08313
- 一般用医薬品の分類
- 08312
- 一般用医薬品のリスク区分
- 08304
- 漢方方剤と生薬
- 08305
- 生薬
- 08331
- 動物用医薬品分類
- 08316
- 医薬品添加物
- 08318
- (table) 日本の新薬
- 08328
- (table) 日本・米国・欧州の新薬
- 08319
- (table) New drug approvals in the USA
- 08329
- (table) New drug approvals in Europe
- 08310
- ターゲットに基づく医薬品分類
- 08307
- 抗微生物薬
- 08327
- 抗微生物薬の略語
- 08309
- (table) 薬物代謝酵素とトランスポーター
- 08341
- (table) ゲノムバイオマーカー
- 08324
- (table) Prodrugs
- 08317
- (table) ステロイド外用薬の強さ
- 08314
- (table) 日本のスイッチOTC薬
- 08315
- (table) Rx-to-OTC switch list in the USA
- 08311
- 日本薬局方収載医薬品
- 08325
- 薬価基準収載品目
4. Diseases
4.1 Human diseases (H numbers)- 08403
- ICD-11 による疾患分類
- 08402
- パスウェイに基づく疾患分類
- 08401
- ゲノムに基づく感染症分類
- 08406
- (table) 感染症法による感染症分類
- 08416
- (table) 感染症法における特定病原体等
- 08407
- (table) 指定難病
- 08442
- (table) Tumor markers
- 08441
- (table) Cancer-associated carbohydrates
- 08431
- (table) Carbohydrates in viral and bacterial infections
5. Organisms and Viruses
5.1 KEGG taxonomy- 08601
- KEGG 生物種
- 08606
- (table) KEGG 生物種 (08601 と同等)
- 08608
- (table) KEGG organism and virus groups New!
- 08610
- KEGG organisms in the NCBI taxonomy
- 08611
- KEGG 生物種の階級別分類
- 08612
- KEGG 生物種: 動物
- 08613
- KEGG 生物種: 植物
- 08614
- KEGG 生物種: 菌類
- 08615
- KEGG 生物種: 原生生物
- 08605
- 植物病原体
- 08622
- (table) KEGG selected viruses
- 08623
- (table) Viruses in pathway maps
Codes and Abbreviations
- 08081
- (table) Nucleotide codes, amino acid codes, and genetic codes
- 08082
- (table) Monosaccharide codes
- 08083
- (table) Ketide and peptide codes
- 08084
- (table) Elements with biological roles
Last updated: November 11, 2024